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Nature's Best Heart Medicine


Nature's Best Heart Medicine

Natureâ??s Best Heart Medicine by Suzanne Diamond, MScalive Natural Health Guides #27, 64 pages When I began reading and writing about natural health almost twenty years ago, the field was still considered an â??altern.

Nature's Best Heart Medicine Nature’s Best Heart Medicine by Suzanne Diamond, MScalive Natural Health Guides #27, 64 pages

When I began reading and writing about natural health almost twenty years ago, the field was still considered an “alternative” movement. I remember seeing little books about hawthorn and flavonoids for heart health on health food store shelves, but the terminology and concepts described therein were far from mainstream for the time. There was precious accessible information for lay readers.

So much has changed! The “discoveries” of the eighties are now proven scientific fact; accepted by the medical professions. A new health guide like Suzanne Diamond’s Nature’s Best Heart Medicine, when published today, falls into waiting hands. We know there is medicine in nature to help control and sometimes reverse heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation problems; what we need now—and what this book provides—is a range of modern day choices for using nature’s medicines in our daily lives.

The book’s focus is on flavonoids, a set of plant colourings with beneficial chemical properties. Flavonoids found in grapes and berries are now being heavily endorsed by leading heart researchers who believe their efficacy is better than aspirin for preventing heart disease. In Europe flavonoids are routinely used to treat blood vessel weakness, circulation disorders, water retention, varicose veins, and artery disorders.

Nature's Best Heart Medicine

Diamond’s Nature’s Best Heart Medicine takes a close look at different types of flavonoids and the various forms they take. Readers will quickly come to understand how flavonoids work in the body to improve the body’s formation of healthy blood vessels and regenerate damaged capillaries. Positive side effects of some specific flavonoid use include improvement to those with circulatory diseases and retinopathy related to diabetes.

There is no doubt that flavonoids are here to stay; now it’s time to get friendlier with them. Which flavonoids to take? What dosage? From supplements or from fresh food? The answers are here.

An additional recipe section by Fred Edrissi brings a splash of colour to the book, as it will to your table. Fruit-filled heart-healthy dishes such as “Oat Banana Dumplings with Blueberry Compote,” “Arugula Berry Salad,” and “Coleslaw with Gooseberries and Figs” are just what the doctor ordered, and what the heart loves best. Enjoy.

H?ne Meurer is a writer and book reviewer. She lives on Salt Spring Island, BC, where she is a consultant for web-based publishing projects at

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