
Natural Light


The human body functions best with natural light-artificial light causes overstimulation, stress and eye problems, and is a source of EMFs. Natural light is essential to human health-it improves mood as well as increasing energy and the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Allow natural light into your home through windows, doors, skylights and sunpipes.

The human body functions best with natural light artificial light causes overstimulation, stress and eye problems, and is a source of EMFs. Natural light is essential to human health it improves mood as well as increasing energy and the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Allow natural light into your home through windows, doors, skylights and sunpipes. In the winter, people who work indoors and receive little natural light can suffer from depression and tiredness. This is often labeled Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). To alleviate symptoms, get outside during the day as much as you can and use full-spectrum lighting or halogen lights (which are energy efficient and similar to natural light) indoors during the darker months. Older fluorescent lights can have a noticeable flicker and produce eye strain, headaches and irritability.
