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Mother Nature's Antibiotic


Ever since antibiotics became widely available in the 1940s, antibiotics have been hailed as wonder drugs--magic bullets able to eliminate bacteria. However, each passing decade brings more resistant strains of harmful bacteria and viruses immune to these magic bullets.

Ever since antibiotics became widely available in the 1940s, antibiotics have been hailed as wonder drugs-magic bullets able to eliminate bacteria. However, each passing decade brings more resistant strains of harmful bacteria and viruses immune to these magic bullets.

We are at the end of the antibiotic miracle age and it’s time we got back to basics and listen to mother nature. She has always been there for us and has just the answer to defeat this growing onslaught of mutant viruses and bacteria. That answer is called colostrum.

So what is colostrum? In the first 24 to 48 hours after giving birth, a mother produces a very special (non-milk) thick, yellow, immune and growth-supporting fluid called colostrum. This pre-milk substance contains nature’s perfect combination of immunoglobins, antibodies, immune and growth factors that help the newborn grow and heal quickly. Colostrum triggers over 50 health-supportive processes in the newborn, some that last a lifetime.

Life’s First Food

Colostrum has many labels: life’s first food, mother’s gold, nature’s perfect food, the fountain of youth and the nutritional miracle for the 21st century. It has been around in some countries for centuries but in the last decade colostrum has been rediscovered as the antibiotic of the future.

Daniel Clark, MD, in his book Colostrum, Life’s First Food, writes:

"Colostrum has played a significant role in natural healing . . . Scandinavian and European countries eat colostrum as dessert and in the US and throughout the world, colostrum was used for immune (antibiotic) purposes prior to the introduction of sulfa drugs and antibiotics. In the 1950s, Dr Albert Sabin refined colostrum’s antibodies and produced the first antiviral vaccine for polio. Colostrum was also prescribed extensively for treating rheumatoid arthritis."

Why Take Colostrum?

Since the advent of modern medicine, it has been the common practice of physicians to over-prescribe antibiotics for every ailment. This has led to the creation of "superbugs," resistant to most antibiotics currently on the market. Our social nature exposes us to more bacteria and viruses in a month than our ancestors were exposed to in a lifetime. Our immune systems are designed to recognize and destroy disease-producing agents, but when it is weakened we become sick. Most of us automatically reach for a drug to feel better, without realizing that the antibiotic suppresses the immune system even more. Colostrum naturally provides IgF-1 (studied for its ability to aid in the production of immune cells); it naturally fights off bacteria, viruses, allergens, yeast and anti-inflammatory agents, along with friendly bacteria, to jump-start immune function.

While humans produce small amounts of colostrum, a cow produces approximately nine gallons during the first 36 hours after giving birth. Since it’s unethical and unrealistic to collect colostrum from humans, we therefore look to an animal source.

Colostrum from cows is transferable to other animals, adults, children and even your sick pets. The newborn calf only requires about four pounds of colostrum, so the rest is processed for human consumption. Also, as this non-milk substance is produced before the milk, it’s harmless to those who are lactose intolerant or dairy sensitive.

And, for those sensitive to animal welfare, rest assured that cows farmed for colostrum are not subjected to cruel practices or fed dangerous chemicals, antibiotics or ridiculous growth hormones. They are grade-A, free range, pasture-fed herds, raised under high quality control with strict production guidelines to ensure a quality, chemical-free product.

Long-term Benefits

As we age, we produce fewer immune and growth factors to heal and fight off disease. Colostrum can replace these life-supporting factors, protect us from bacterial warfare and increase longevity. According to Dr Daniel Clark, it’s a safe, non-toxic whole food with no side effects or drug interactions. It has a 16 hour half-life and therefore should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. If you’re not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.

For more information on clinical studies, books, testimonials, scientific research and quality control, go to, under the Centre for Nutritional Research.



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