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When dimples start appearing in the wrong set of cheeks, a new alternative therapy called mesotherapy might be the perfect answer. Mesotherapy is the newest cellulite solution in cosmetic and aesthetic medical circles. But what's it all about?

When dimples start appearing in the wrong set of cheeks, a new alternative therapy called mesotherapy might be the perfect answer. Mesotherapy is the newest cellulite solution in cosmetic and aesthetic medical circles. But what's it all about?

During mesotherapy small amounts of vitamins, amino acids, homeopathic drugs, and/or enzymes are injected into the epidermis layer of the skin. These injections not only alter disordered factors in the lymph and circulation systems that cause cellulite, they provide a local treatment for a local problem. The benefit is that the patient avoids the systemic effects and interactions that result from liposuction or other cellulite solutions.

An Alternative to Liposuction

For those who find liposuction "over the top," or who have already had liposuction and now find fat or cellulite returning or depositing in other areas, mesotherapy may be a viable alternative. It is used cosmetically to break down cellulite, improve microcirculation, increase lymph and venous drainage, and enhance collagen and tissue health. In the process, mesotherapy focuses on mobilizing fat from fat cells rather than removing fat cells as is done in liposuction.

While each mesotherapy treatment may involve dozens of small injections, the treatment sessions typically take only 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Treatments are usually given weekly or once every two weeks until satisfactory results are obtained. More chronically disturbed areas require more treatments than do less problematic ones.

Side effects include bruising in the area of the injection. These are significantly less traumatic than the side effects of liposuction and, unlike mesotherapy, liposuction ultimately does not work well for cellulite.

Why French Women Never Get Fat

Pioneered by Dr. Michel Pistor in 1952, mesotherapy was given formal recognition by the French National Academy of Medicine in 1987. Presently, over 15,000 medical practitioners provide mesotherapy throughout Europe and South America. North America is rapidly catching on.

Mesotherapy is not a weight-loss treatment. Those with large amounts of adipose tissue must work with diet plans and exercise before considering mesotherapy. Unless a patient adheres to a healthy lifestyle of good eating habits and regular exercise, they will only regain fat in the same locations where mesotherapy worked to reduce it.

Where mesotherapy seems to work best is in assisting the body to reduce localized fat that pads love handles, saddlebags, and cellulite-rich areas around the hips, buttocks, and inner thighs. Facial skin tone may also be refreshed with this technique and abdominal, buttock, and arm tissue improved.

For those wanting cosmetic treatment without the risk of surgery, general anaesthesia, and little to no recovery time, mesotherapy may be an option to consider. Consult a qualified doctor who has mesotherapy training and experience to find out more.

Other Uses for Mesotherapy

In addition to cellulite treatment, mesotherapy has been used in the treatment of acne, non-genetic hair loss, arthritis and joint problems, and to heal torn tendons and other sports injuries. In rheumatoid arthritis, for example, plant and pharmacologic agents are injected to control inflammation. In an athlete with a ligament tear or degenerated tendon, silica, biotin, and proteolytic enzymes are injected to stimulate connective tissue.



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