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Low Maternal Vitamin D Levels Linked to Childhood Language Issues


Low Maternal Vitamin D Levels Linked to Childhood Language Issues

Get ready for another study about vitamin D benefits! A recent study linked mothers’ low vitamin D levels with childhood language problems.

Get ready for yet another study about the potential benefits of vitamin D! This time, a recent Australian study published in Pediatrics has linked mothers’ low vitamin D levels while pregnant with a greater chance of their child developing language impairment problems later in life.

The research involved more than 700 mothers and their children, over a 20 year time period. The mothers had their vitamin D levels measured halfway through their pregnancy, and their children took vocabulary tests at intervals, with the last test at 17 years of age.

The researchers were clear to point out that this doesn’t necessarily point to a cause-and-effect relationship, and more research needs to be done—one additional factor that might be at play is obesity. However, the researchers do conclude that “Maternal vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy may reduce the risk of developmental language difficulties among their children.”

The benefits of vitamin D
It is well known that vitamin D supports healthy bones. Newer research shows that it plays a role in immunity, can boost mood, and may also help to prevent certain types of cancers.

But that’s not all—new studies have determined that vitamin D may

Find vitamin D supplements at your local health food store.



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