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Looking for a Pair of Healthy Joints? Go Fish!


Looking for a Pair of Healthy Joints? Go Fish!

No, not by playing the card game - but consuming one serving of oily fish per week may cut your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in half.

Recent research is shedding light on how to maintain optimal joint health, and the results are a little fishy—but not in a bad way.

Over one million Canadians are living with rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory disease where the immune system attacks the joints, causing swelling, stiffness, and extreme pain. This common condition is a leading cause of disability in Canada, keeping a quarter of its sufferers out of the work force due to its harsh effects.

Thankfully, a large-scale study found that consuming just one 5 oz (140 g) serving of oily fish per week, such as salmon, herring, fresh tuna, mackerel, and trout, can cut your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in half. The rich concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in these scaly swimmers can help to ward off joint inflammation before it even has the chance to start.

Omega-3 is already trout-ed as something of a miracle nutrient, helping to keep brains sharp, moods high, and hearts pumping. Coldwater fish makes for a fantastic source—try out some of these alive recipes to help keep your joints moving e-fish-iently:

If salmon is your fish of choice, be sure to always use choose wild. Limit your oily fish consumption to no more than two servings per week if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.

Don’t worry if fatty fish isn’t your thing—the study also found that consuming four servings of non-oily water dwellers per week, such as halibut or shellfish, had the same protective effect. Fish oil supplements are also a good option for those opposed to eating the real deal, and can even help to reduce inflammatory symptoms experienced by current sufferers.

Do you have any fish-starring recipes to share with us? Let us know via Twitter and Facebook, or in the blog comments below.



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