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Liver Cleansing Handbook


by Rhody Lake alive Natural Health Guides 64 pages, softcover, $9.95 The liver could well be the most underestimated organ in the body! Keeping the liver happy is essential to life, yet most modern livers are under constant assault by a variety of toxins.

by Rhody Lake
alive Natural Health Guides
64 pages, softcover, $9.95

The liver could well be the most underestimated organ in the body!

Keeping the liver happy is essential to life, yet most modern livers are under constant assault by a variety of toxins. This excellent new Liver Cleansing Handbook is the antidote to the liver stressors found in our society's many processed and chemically altered foods. The Guide identifies those most insidious toxins and helps readers make more educated, healthier food choices. In addition dietary liver cleansing techniques are offered. Cleansing the liver and its pathways for elimination can help reverse many symptoms of disease.

Symptoms of a distressed liver are many and varied, including high blood pressure, weight gain, eczema, liver spots, chronic fatigue, depression and more. The Handbook reveals just how easy it is for us to take charge of our livers and begin reaping the associated rewards. No special ingredients or techniques are required--except a renewed awareness of healthy liver food choices and liver-healing herbs.

A brief examination of the digestion process, as provided by this Natural Health Guide, helps readers better understand what conditions the liver needs to perform optimally. The simple explanations go a long way to help establish a healthy rapport between readers and their digestive systems.

With the added benefit of the "Kitchen Wisdom" section, the road to a happier, healthier liver becomes smooth. Here we learn which foods are friends of the liver and which are foe. Rhody Lake, senior editor of alive magazine, takes a closer look at the pros and cons of eggs, sweeteners, dairy products, fats, oils and more.

In truth, the liver is not a common subject of conversation, yet Rhody Lake's personal style is most helpful toward familiarizing readers with this important organ. It gets even easier to understand how we can energize our lives with the food styling of alive's Executive Chef Fred Edrissi. His fabulous food styling is the perfect conduit for some of the author's own recipes. Breakfasts, one-dish dinners, salads and pat?pecialties entice readers into the kitchen. You'll surely want to try the tasty non-dairy "Cashew Cheese Spread," "Endive Salad with Potato," "Irish Colcannon," or "Yam and Parsnip Curry."

Clear and concise, The Liver Cleansing Handbook makes it fun to embark on a new level of liver-healing consciousness.



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