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Listen to Your Inner Voice for Outer Health


Recent studies have shown that a great percentage of disease processes today are preventable through changes in lifestyle and diet. Well-being is directly connected to our self-image and self-esteem. Unfortunately, the move to become empowered over our health is not likely to happen until a healthy self-image has been realized. This can and will happen by committing to following your voice from within.

Recent studies have shown that a great percentage of disease processes today are preventable through changes in lifestyle and diet. The question then must be: why are we not heeding this advice?

After researching human behaviour for 30 years, I am convinced that well-being is directly connected to our self-image and self-esteem. We are not motivated to properly care for what we do not hold in high regard.

Our self-image is often, in large part, shaped by the constant input of society. Through social and business interactions, television, radio, magazines, and the Internet we are continually bombarded with images and statements that challenge our belief system and influence the way we perceive ourselves.

We are persuaded to feel that we don't earn enough, we are not tall or thin enough, or we don't have the right job or wear the right clothes. As a result, if we have a low self-esteem, we may be pushed to strive for goals and live up to expectations that are not part of our personal beliefs.

In the wake of this constant bombardment, we often attempt to portray a self-image to match our perception of society's expectations. Unfortunately, the move to become empowered over our health is not likely to happen until a healthy self-image has been realized. This can and will happen by committing to following your voice from within.

There are simple and very powerful steps you can take to live a self-directed life.


We often hear, "It's so loud in here I can't hear myself think." Taking the time to meditate 20 minutes per day will allow your inner voice a chance to speak. Meditation will not only provide a much needed break from stress but will also allow you to take stock of your direction in life.


Take a few minutes at the end of each day to record the day's events and what you observed. Journaling will allow you the time to reflect on whether you are being true to your own voice.

Write Down your Goals

Written goals, in effect a contract with ourselves, are one of the most powerful tools we can use to achieve positive self-esteem. Take the time to decide what you want, what you value, and what you are passionate about and then write it down. Review your written goals often.

Once a Day, Be First

A great way to overcome the expectations of the world is to make a conscious effort to pick at least one activity each day that is 100 percent for you. Read, bike, walk, listen to music, or do whatever it is that you enjoy the most. This daily example will begin to ingrain the power of living an authentic life.

Making the decision to take command of your life will begin the shift to a "love to" rather than a "have to" existence. This will not only heal your self-esteem but will also allow you to rise to the next level and take charge of your own health.



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