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Let's Go Bananas!


Organic bananas are now being sold by Dole, the worldâ??s largest producer of fresh fruits and vegetables. On Feb. 1, 2001, the company announced its decision to use banana peels to slide into the $6 billion organic products industry.

Organic bananas are now being sold by Dole, the world’s largest producer of fresh fruits and vegetables. On Feb. 1, 2001, the company announced its decision to use banana peels to slide into the $6 billion organic products industry. Dole’s organic farms, which are in Ecuador and Honduras, have been inspected by the Independent Organic Inspectors Association and certified by US-based certification bodies. Katherine DiMatteo, executive director of the Organic Trade Association, said she is pleased that Dole has chosen to promote an organic line. "It’s a welcome sight to see that more of the major players are dedicating a portion of their production to organic. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if all of the major brand-name companies start investigating arrangements to have an organic partner or their own line," she said recently. Dole is also looking into organic pineapples and apples.Natural Foods Merchandiser Feb. 2001



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