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Juicing for the Health of it!


Juicing for the Health of it!

by Siegfried Gursche Healthy juicing at home has gained renewed popularity in recent year.

by Siegfried Gursche

Healthy juicing at home has gained renewed popularity in recent years. There is more scientific evidence than ever before to show us that the body rapidly assimilates nutrients found in raw juiced foods. The nutrients found in cooked foods are simply not absorbed as quickly or easily. In this new millennium, juicing is coming into its own!

The newest Natural Health Guide from alive books explains why, in addition to being a healthy daily practice, juicing is also a simple and effective therapy. By juicing your organic vegetables, it is not only easy but also enjoyable to revitalize the body in a surprisingly short time. Author Siegfried Gursche is living testament to the power of fresh raw juicing. He urges readers to use the pointers contained in this book today, and not to wait until retirement years to make time to adopt a personal health plan that includes a simple glass of juice.

For those who don’t yet own one, buying the right juicer is sometimes viewed as a daunting experience. Here you can learn the differences between the different types of juicers and decide for yourself which one best suits your needs. (From personal experience I would add that the free advice offered by experienced health food store staff is also invaluable in this decision-making process.)

Following Gursche’s recommendation is an easy task with this new book. Juicing for the Health of It is a practical guide. It uses rich photography and familiar ingredients to entice readers to experiment with fresh juicing. Gursche encourages readers to vary the recipes and proportions depending on what is at hand, and to be relaxed about trying new combinations.

While the images are beautiful and flavor combinations refreshing, the accent here is on treating specific conditions. The book is organized according to what ails you. Those who suffer from asthma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, prostate problems and virtually any ailment will find straightforward directions for simple juiced remedies.
"But you don’t have to be sick to benefit from taking raw juices," reminds Gursche.

Juicing should be viewed as a personal (and delicious!) health insurance plan. Fresh-pressed fruit and vegetable juices combined with green vitamin powders deliver a double-whammy of nutrients. These nutrients influence each other by working together to produce a result greater than the sum of the parts. The juice-powder combination serves to provide a powerful dose of enzymes.

Celebrate the onset of summer with your own home brand of healthy organic juices. Come join the many who detoxify, revitalize and exercise with a fresh juice lifestyle.



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