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Is Your Collagen Holding Up?

Get a collagen boost, without an injection


Is Your Collagen Holding Up?

Collagen is the number one support protein in our body. A high quality porcine-based, hydrolyzed collagen product helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

When asked what the primary component of the human body is, most people might answer, “water,” and they’d be right. However, next to water, the number one physical component is collagen, a ropelike protein structure that serves as the matrix upon which everything else is supported, suspended, or comprised.

With an overwhelming need for our number one support protein, you’d think we would produce enough collagen to last a lifetime. Unfortunately, human collagen is subject to breakdown and dwindles with age. Our ability to replace it rapidly and efficiently begins to taper off, especially if we don’t practise healthy habits, such as eating a nutritious diet, not smoking, managing stress, exercising regularly, and drinking moderately.

Boosting collagen levels

Getting collagen replaced or enhanced has been an obsession since its benefits were defined over 40 years ago. And while there are a few horror stories about poorly done fillers, you don’t have to resort to injections.

In the past few years, scientific breakthroughs have advanced the manufacturing of safe and effective collagen in ingestible (not injectable) form. Science shows you can increase your body’s collagen levels from ingesting collagen, but it has to be in a high quality form known as hydrolyzed collagen.

It’s suggested that hydrolyzed collagen has the ability to sneak past the gastric juices of the digestive tract and end up where it’s needed most&underlying the epidermis.

Choosing a quality product

When selecting a collagen product, choose one made by a reputable manufacturer, and be sure to look for two essential qualities: porcine-based collagen and hydrolyzed collagen. (If it’s not hydrolyzed, it’s a waste of your money.)

Choosing porcine-based collagen is important because porcine is most similar to human collagen and has been used successfully in numerous applications from surgical grafts to cosmetics with fewer allergic responses.

The staff at your local natural health store can help you find a product that meets these specifications.

Could you use more collagen?

Maybe you have started checking the mirror more often than you care to admit, examining morning wrinkle lines from your pillow, crow’s feet and fine lines around the eye area, sagging cheeks, double chin, deep neck lines, bags under the eyes, frown lines, mannequin lines, or deeper nasolabial folds. If so, you’re looking at the effects of disappearing collagen.

Halt the progress by finding a high quality, porcine-based, hydrolyzed collagen and supplementing with it every morning for at least two months. Consider taking before and after photos of your face without makeup. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.



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