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Iridology: Reflections of Health From The Eyes


Iridology (pronounced eye-ri-dology) is the art of analyzing the iris (colored portion of the eye) to discern what it reflects about the health of the body tissues. The iris regulates the amount of light entering the eye by making the pupil larger or smaller.

Iridology (pronounced eye-ri-dology) is the art of analyzing the iris (colored portion of the eye) to discern what it reflects about the health of the body tissues. The iris regulates the amount of light entering the eye by making the pupil larger or smaller. Qualities of the iris such as color, structure, density and markings (rings, spots, rays and their location) are examined in iridology.

The iris of the eye is a reflector of your health. The eye has been used as a diagnostic indicator of human conditions for centuries. Once an iridologist has detected a problem, the diagnosis can be confirmed by your health practitioner. Iridology may be used in conjunction with any other method of health assessment.

Examining your iris can non-invasively determine constitutional strengths, weaknesses and internal tissue problems before they reach a more serious, symptomatic stage. It can also be used as a tool to monitor body response to therapies.

Iridology cannot reveal specific illnesses or give diagnoses.


The practice of iridology is not new. Records show a form of iris interpretation was used in China as far back as 1000 BC. Dr. Ignatz von Peczely of Hungary and Reverend Nils Lijequist of Sweden discovered iridology independently and simultaneously. Peczely's discovery was triggered when he noticed a distinct mark in the eye of an injured owl. Lijequist noticed that drug residues left marks on the iris. Both these men also developed iris charts of incredible similarity. The first major work on the theory and practice of iridology was written by Peczely in 1880. The medical mainstream of the day was very much opposed to this treatise and did all they could to discourage the continuation of this medical practice. In spite of this, curiosity and application of iridology have continued to this day.

Subsequent development occurred in Germany. In the early 1900s, iridology made its way to North America where Dr. Bernard Jensen developed the Jensen charts which are used by iridologists worldwide. The Standard Jensen charts are used when analyzing another's eyes and the Reverse Jensen charts are for self-analysis.

Iris analysis is currently growing in popularity among health care practitioners worldwide.

How Can It Help Me?

Iris analysis shows basic constitution, its inherent fixed strengths and weaknesses, and gives a baseline for building and maintaining health. Since the iris changes with fluctuations in body health, it provides an ongoing picture of internal conditions and is an effective way to monitor healing. It gives the individual the opportunity to understand and take responsibility for his or her own body.

Iridology shows the state of body tissues, toxic deposits, inflammation, physical and mental fatigue and stress, preclinical stages of disease and healing. However, iridology cannot determine such things as blood pressure, medications being used, pregnancy, tumors, hemorrhage, gallstones, kidney stones or blocked arteries.

Tissue conditions are revealed at four levels of the iris: acute, subacute, chronic and degenerative. Iridology reveals problems in the formative stages, before any disease symptoms have started to appear, so early corrective action can be taken.

How Does It Work?

The eyes are an extension of the brain via the optic nerves. The nerve fibers that end in the iris connect to the entire body. Different parts of the iris correspond to different parts of the body. The presence or absence of certain markings in the iris reflects the condition of the associated body part. There is almost 120 years of scientific data showing the accuracy of iris analysis.

The Jensen charts show the eyes and map body parts to correspond to certain areas of the iris. There are 166 areas: eighty-six in the left iris and eighty in the right iris. The layout of the eye charts is analogous to the body with the brain at the top, the feet at the bottom, the skin on the outside and the bowels on the inside. The right eye reflects the right side of the body and the left eye reflects the left side.

PDF of the Jensen Chart

How Is It Done?

Iridology is not a treatment therapy, but a form of analysis to assess conditions of health. It should be used in conjunction with information from other sources to provide a diagnosis.

Traditionally, iridology was performed using a focused light source to illuminate the iris and a magnifying glass to clarify details.

Today, specialized cameras are used to photograph the eyes using color transparency film to allow for enlargement through projection. This creates greater detail for accurate analysis. Research continues to develop a computerized system of iris analysis. Due to the intricate variations in each individual iris, the task is monumental. There are no two irides alike, they are as different and unique as fingerprints.

Upon viewing the enlarged irides, the iridologist refers to the iridology chart and correlates the features seen in the irides to the various anatomical structures.

You can analyze your own irides using a focused flashlight, a magnifying glass (4x is recommended) and iridology charts. Be sure to do enough background research on iridology to properly understand this science.

Nutrition is often used as an associated therapy after iridology indicates which areas of the body need healing. Iridology nutrition charts show which vitamins, minerals and herbs are helpful for different areas of the body.

In Germany and other European countries, homeopathic practitioners make wide use of iridology. Throughout Europe, homeopathic medicines are used more than nutritional therapies in conjunction with iris analysis.

Where Do I Go Next?

Consult an iridology or holistic health association to find a practitioner, or look for books in a holistic bookshop or natural food store

Did You Know?

The eye is an extension of brain tissue.



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