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Introducing alive Around the World


At alive, it is our goal and privilege to bring you up-to-date research and information on health and wellness to improve the quality of your lives. Our intent is to raise awareness regarding natural and preventive approaches to healthcare.

At alive, it is our goal and privilege to bring you up-to-date research and information on health and wellness to improve the quality of your lives. Our intent is to raise awareness regarding natural and preventive approaches to healthcare.

With our deeply ingrained commitment to health, we have decided to extend our reach to broader regions by introducing a new column alive around the world." We will focus on areas suffering from health crises not experienced here in North America.

In each column an alive writer will present the "need to know" information about what is affecting our family around the planet. Our belief is that by becoming more informed about issues around the world, we can make a difference one small step at a time.

Meet Jhennifer

In North America, most children automatically receive the basic rights of life which include shelter, proper nutrition, and a formal education. No longer do we witness
"deficiency syndromes" such as rickets (a lack of vitamin D) or scurvy (a deficiency of vitamin C). Luckily, for most of our children, where or how they will get warm clothing or even their next meal are no longer worries they have to deal with.

Unfortunately, this is not so for millions of children in third world countries. This was the situation for one very special little girl named Jhennifer an 11-year-old girl who loves to draw, colour, and excel at mathematics. Although she has loving parents, life for Jhennifer is a daily struggle.

Jhennifer was born in Santander de Quilichao, a hot, dusty slum in the plains of Colombia. Without help, her family cannot send her to school or meet her nutritional requirements. Her parents are well aware that an education is critical to Jhennifer in order for her to break the cycle of poverty.

Sadly, due to dire circumstances, many children like Jhennifer are sent out daily to the markets in order to make money in any way they can. This reality of being forced out of school and into the workforce at a young age was a reality Jhennifer and her family were
unfortunately facing.

Luckily, this story has an uplifting ending. Jhennifer's family was approached and offered monthly help from World Vision. Through World Vision's attempt to "Make poverty history," in conjunction with a sponsor, Jhennifer is now provided with daily nutrition and is attending the local school. She is also learning life skills to provide for herself, for her family, and for future generations such as planting a backyard garden to grow onions, beans, cilantro, and lettuce.

Learn More

If you want to contact a child to put a smile on their face, make a donation, or to learn more, please visit

A Warm Response

In my last letter from Jhennifer, she wrote (letter translated):

"I enjoy school I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I thank God for the blessing I have received. I pray for you and your family every day. Also, pray for me. I drew you this picture with much love. Jhennifer"



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