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Hot-Spiced Apple Juice


This fragrant holiday favourite contributes a delightfully welcoming aroma for when guests arrive. I like to use my crock-pot to slowly heat the juice, and then people can just help themselves with a ladle. This drink is a refreshing change from alcoholic beverages and pop at parties.

This fragrant holiday favourite contributes a delightfully welcoming aroma for when guests arrive. I like to use my crock-pot to slowly heat the juice, and then people can just help themselves with a ladle. This drink is a refreshing change from alcoholic beverages and pop at parties.

6 cups (1.5 L) organic, unclarified apple juice
1/2 to 1 cup (125 to 250 ml) fresh lemon juice
2 tsp (10 ml) whole cloves
8 cinnamon sticks
Cranberries for decoration

Put the apple juice, lemon juice, cloves, and cinnamon into a large pot (or crock-pot). Heat slowly, but do not boil. Reduce heat. Keep warm. Remove cinnamon sticks and cloves before serving. Serve warm, ladled into cups or mugs. Add cranberries for decoration.

Source: alive #254, December 2003



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