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Homeopathy for Infections


Using antibiotics for infections has its downside; antibiotics don't fight viruses, which account for 70 to 80 percent of infections. If a bacterium causes an infection, then killing the bug alone does not address the predisposition that led to the infection in the first place.

Using antibiotics for infections has its downside; antibiotics don't fight viruses, which account for 70 to 80 percent of infections. If a bacterium causes an infection, then killing the bug alone does not address the predisposition that led to the infection in the first place.

This is a common mistake in treating children with ear infections - the inflammation keeps recurring until tubes are inserted in the child's ear by a surgeon. Similarly, a recurrent sore throat, bronchitis, or abscess will keep reappearing until the patient becomes less hospitable to the bug.

Acute infections, whether they are viral, bacterial, or parasitic, can often be treated with homeopathy alone or in conjunction with an antimicrobial drug.

Remedy Infection site Characteristics General Dose
Belladonna Flushed, dry, high fever, confused
Pulsatilla Feels better cold and in open air, has yellow discharges Weepy, clingy, decreased thirst
Chamomilla Nose, ears, eyes Teething, feels better with warmth and distraction; green stools
Euphrasia Eyes Feels like sand or grit in eyes, often red, tears 30C every 6 to
8 hours
Arsenicum Nose, intestines, food poisoning Burning pains better with heat, discharges burn the skin Chilly, restless, weakness, worse around midnight
Breast (mastitis) Pain while nursing, red area breast, better with warm compresses Breast feeding 30 to 200C
every 4 hours

Hepar sulph

Boils, abscesses, ears, throat

Patient feels better warm, has sharp sticking pains, yellow-green discharges

Irritable, chilly

30C potency every 4 hours

Boils, abscesses, ears, throats

Feels better cold; is hot, red, throbbing

every 4 hours

Nose, ears, eyes, throat

30C every
4 hours

Emotionally distraught, can't
be pleased

30C every 1 to
4 hours

30 to 200C
every 4 hours


Breast feeding

Homeopathy stimulates the patient's immune system to throw off the infection - the patient becomes too healthy to entertain an infectious guest. Homeopathy uses natural substances that are repeatedly diluted and shaken; the number of times determines the potency.

Potentization unleashes the medicinal qualities of the original substances and makes them far more powerful than their herbal or mineral counterparts. Echinacea and vitamin C, although modestly beneficial in boosting the immune-system response, are lightweights compared to homeopathy.

Because homeopathy is based on potency, not amounts, special dosages do not need to be worked out for children.

The disease pattern dictates the choice of the correct homeopathic remedy. For example, an infection that feels better with warmth and has stitching pains in an irritable patient would be treated with the remedy Hepar sulph. In contrast, an infection that feels better with cold and throbs with pain in a slightly delirious patient would require the remedy Belladonna. The need to individualize the treatment makes homeopathic prescribing more challenging, but also makes good sense. Even with the same diagnosis (e.g., influenza), people often express different symptom pictures. Homeopathy uses not only the diagnosis, but also the various symptoms to zero in on the needed remedy. Once a potency or strength is chosen (e.g., 30C), the pills are dissolved under the tongue at regular intervals and tapered off with improvement.

A small home kit with a few remedies will cover many cases of infection. Homeopathy enhances conventional treatment by boosting the person's healing response, and will achieve a better result, faster and more complete, with fewer recurrences. Parents can safely start homeopathic treatment for their children while waiting for the doctor to return their call.



Break Free from Conventions with Traditional Medicine

Break Free from Conventions with Traditional Medicine

Emilie Richardson-DupuisEmilie Richardson-Dupuis