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Home Remedy Chest


Many over-the-counter medications contain dangerous substances. Although they treat symptoms, they also suppress the body's natural healing mechanism. They effectively drive disease further into the body until it surfaces again when the body is weakened due to illness, stress or improper living habits.

Many over-the-counter medications contain dangerous substances. Although they treat symptoms, they also suppress the body's natural healing mechanism. They effectively drive disease further into the body until it surfaces again when the body is weakened due to illness, stress or improper living habits. You can, however, use natural substances to deal safely and effectively with common minor health problems. A home remedy chest stock-ed with natural remedies is invaluable. Many conventional drugs can be replaced with natural healing products for treatment of common ailments. To help your family with daily concerns and common health problems, familiarize yourself with the herbs and spices that are both nourishing and healing. Get information from your health food store and read the labels on products. Fresh ingredients from the kitchen cupboard provide some of the most useful first aid remedies.

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