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Hip is In


Resistance training benefits more than muscles, no bones about it. A group of men and women between ages 60 and 83 participated in a study to see if resistance training on a regular basis can help increase bone density in the hip (one of the areas most likely to degenerate quickly)

Resistance training benefits more than muscles, no bones about it. A group of men and women between ages 60 and 83 participated in a study to see if resistance training on a regular basis can help increase bone density in the hip (one of the areas most likely to degenerate quickly). The answer revealed was a simple "yes." The six-month study showed that hipbone density increased most in those who used higher resistance. The exciting news is that by the end of the study, participants were generating more bone than they were losing.

Source: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2002: 34, 17-23.



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