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Here's What You Have To Say!


Itâ??s PAY-back time!At Patient Advocacy for You (PAY),we get frequent calls from patients asking for a medical doctor in their area who will practise alternative medicine. Sadly, I have to say few doctors anywhere will risk it because of attacks from the Colleges of Physicians in each province..

It’s PAY-back time!At Patient Advocacy for You (PAY),we get frequent calls from patients asking for a medical doctor in their
area who will practise alternative medicine. Sadly, I have to say few
doctors anywhere will risk it because of attacks from the Colleges of
Physicians in each province.

Please help Ontario set an example for other provinces and US states. If you
have found yourself in this situation or are concerned about freedom of
choice in health care (whether you live in Ontario or not), contact:

  1. Mr. Michael McCarthy, senior policy advisor, Hon. Tony Clement,
    Minister of Health and Long-Term Care: 416-212-1190;
  2. Mr. Robb Cribb, reporter, The Toronto Star: 416-869-4411;
  3. Your own elected representative. MP contact info: 416-326-1234 or

I suggest saying you want:

  1. the College restricted or abolished
  2. to be able to find an alternative medical doctor close to you
  3. alternative medical doctors compensated for College attacks
  4. provincial health plans to begin paying for alternative medicine. (In
    the past, we have refrained from daring to ask for this, since it scares
    politicians who fear it would cost more, when really it would save money
    misspent on unnecessary drugs and surgery.)

It’s PAY-back time!At Patient Advocacy for You (PAY),we get frequent calls from patients asking for a medical doctor in their
area who will practise alternative medicine. Sadly, I have to say few
doctors anywhere will risk it because of attacks from the Colleges of
Physicians in each province.

Please help Ontario set an example for other provinces and US states. If you
have found yourself in this situation or are concerned about freedom of
choice in health care (whether you live in Ontario or not), contact:

  1. Mr. Michael McCarthy, senior policy advisor, Hon. Tony Clement,
    Minister of Health and Long-Term Care: 416-212-1190;
  2. Mr. Robb Cribb, reporter, The Toronto Star: 416-869-4411;
  3. Your own elected representative. MP contact info: 416-326-1234 or

I suggest saying you want:

  1. the College restricted or abolished
  2. to be able to find an alternative medical doctor close to you
  3. alternative medical doctors compensated for College attacks
  4. provincial health plans to begin paying for alternative medicine. (In
    the past, we have refrained from daring to ask for this, since it scares
    politicians who fear it would cost more, when really it would save money
    misspent on unnecessary drugs an



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