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Health Canada Approves Bio-K+ as Effective in Reducing Incidence of C. difficile


Health Canada Approves Bio-K+ as Effective in Reducing Incidence of C. difficile

Bio-K+ has been approved by Health Canada as a new and effective means of reducing the incidence of Clostridium difficile.

In the natural health industry, today marks a huge achievement for Canadian company Bio-K Plus International Inc. One of the company’s top products, Bio-K+, has been approved by Health Canada as a new and effective means of reducing the incidence of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infections in hospitalized patients and those in long-term care facilities.

What is C. difficile?
This dangerous bacteria strain can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from diarrhea to inflammation of the colon and even death. It's most often acquired in hospitals and long-term care facilities, where germs are spread easily and antibiotic use is high. People who are most at risk include those taking antibiotics, who are 65 years and older, who have recently been hospitalized, or who live in a care home. It’s important to note, however, that even healthy, young people who are not on antibiotics can contract C. difficile.

In Canada, approximately 1,000 deaths annually are attributed to C. difficile, according to a Canadian hospital study. Fortunately, Bio-K+ has proven effective at reducing the incidence of C. difficile.

The evidence
Following an outbreak, in 2004 the Pierre-Le-Gardeur Hospital in Montreal began providing Bio-K+ to all patients treated with antibiotics with no exclusion factors. According to Dr. Pierre-Jean Maziade, microbiologist and head officer of infection preventions at the hospital, “Our hospital has almost nine years of pharmaco-vigilance with more than 40,000 patients using Bio-K+ products with no serious adverse events reported and we have maintained one of the lowest rates of C. difficile in the Province of Quebec.”

These staggering results are what prompted Health Canada to deem Bio-K+ an effective solution against C. difficile infection—great news for the natural health industry and for Canadians in general.

Why probiotics
When we take antibiotics, our intestinal flora, which includes infection-fighting good bacteria, is disrupted. Even small bouts of antibiotic use can leave us in a state of poor health, making us susceptible to infection.

Of course, antibiotics should only be taken when needed, but if your condition calls for it, supplementing with a probiotic can help to replenish the good bacteria that is often wiped out by antibiotics. Health Canada-approved Bio-K+ is liquid probiotic supplement containing a careful blend of L. acidophilus and L. casei active cultures. Find it at your local natural health food store, and ask the knowledgeable staff there for details



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