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Health and Healing with Bee Products


by C. Leigh Broadhurst, PhD alive Natural Health Guides 64 pages, softcover, $9.95 Human beings have long had a fascination and respect for bee.

by C. Leigh Broadhurst, PhD
alive Natural Health Guides
64 pages, softcover, $9.95

Human beings have long had a fascination and respect for bees. Though the byproducts of their busy lives have been used as complements to good health for centuries, science is only now beginning to understand their full benefits. And, as this newest Natural Health Guide reminds us, bees are unique in their ability to improve the environment without preying on other species.

Health and Healing with Bee Products is a concise, comprehensive look at bee pollen, propolis, honey and royal jelly. Dr Broadhurst uses clear straightforward language to paint easily understandable pictures of how these products are created by bees and how they contribute to human health in different ways.

We learn that bee pollen, for example, contains high concentrations of quercetin, a plant flavonoid with antihistamine and anti-allergenic properties used in fighting asthma. The Guide explains how regular dietary doses of bee pollen can actually help relieve allergies while at the same time providing the body with most of its necessary nutrients. It's truly amazing how humans can benefit from the tiny rounded pollen granules carefully collected from the legs of bees. This enzyme-rich bee product is superior to many synthetic supplements and conserves the energy the body usually requires to make its own enzymes. Health benefits of bee pollen for pets are also described!

Bee pollen, propolis, honey and royal jelly play different roles in the human body and readers can take this guide along when shopping at the health food store. It's filled with practical advice for purchasing, storing and consuming various bee products.

Propolis is used in the hive to prevent the spread of bacteria, viruses and fungi that can threaten a colony. Scientific studies reveal how antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties of propolis can maintain health on a daily basis, possibly even aiding in cancer treatment. Unlike other bee products discussed in the Guide royal jelly is not a plant product. It's actually manufactured by bees! Dr Broadhurst is careful to separate the anecdotal history of royal jelly's claims from modern day fact and also includes a section on which royal jelly products are most effective and why.

The Guide's short recipe section is once again masterfully presented by Chef Fred Edrissi. In this Natural Health Guide, however, it's those clever, co-operative bees who take centre stage. Their ongoing contribution to natural preventive human health is more than deserving of this enlightening Natural Health Guide book.



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