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Healing The Planet One Patient At A Time A Primer In Environmental Medicine


Healing The Planet One Patient At A Time A Primer In Environmental Medicine

Dr. Jozef .

Healing The Planet One Patient At A Time A Primer In Environmental Medicine

Dr. Jozef J. Krop, a physician well known to many alive readers, has written a book about environmental medicine-a discipline that he has successfully practised for 20 years and has been forced to defend in the courts of Ontario, and now in the Supreme Court of Canada.

Healing the Planet One Patient at a Time is a revolutionary book and an eye-opener to the fact that many chronic health conditions and modern-day environmental illnesses are clearly the products of our own actions-of the chemical pollution of our water, soil and air; of depleted soils rendered mineral-deficient by intensive agriculture; of pesticide-sprayed farm crops; of poor dietary habits and lifestyle; and of our indiscriminate use of synthetic hormones, antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals that interfere with the body's metabolism and natural healing processes. Several such factors result in an abnormal immune response that can take the form of many conditions ranging from allergies and asthma to chemical sensitivities and even cancer.

Environmental medicine offers real hope for patients afflicted with disease. Dr. Krop's book provides a comprehensive outline of the protocol used by environmental physicians to not only identify the factors underlying illness, but also to develop an effective treatment plan. The reader will also find information on optimal nutrition and cancer prevention, as well as practical tips on how to decrease toxic load at home, work and school. The book also offers natural treatment options for autism and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) in children and adults, as well as suggestions for the prevention of food sensitivities in newborns and infants. There is also surprising information on "stealth infections" that reveals that many of today's degenerative diseases are often caused by chronic low-level infections.

For everyone interested in improving health naturally, Healing the Planet One Patient at a Time is a most valuable resource. It may yet be a lifesaver for those suffering from severe environmental illness who have failed to get help from conventional treatment.

Above all, this book is Dr. Krop's gift to humanity, given in appreciation for the support he has received from many individuals during his long and arduous fight for the right of Canadians to have access to natural health care.



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