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</P> Eyeing the latest model that's soon rolling into a dealership near you? That "new car" smell may be a satisfying reminder of that big investment you just made, but it's wise to roll down the windows and let the air in, especial.

"New Car" Smell's a Toxic Cocktail

Eyeing the latest model that's soon rolling into a dealership near you? That "new car" smell may be a satisfying reminder of that big investment you just made, but it's wise to roll down the windows and let the air in, especially if you're pregnant.

A recent study by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization has found that the interiors of new cars contain toxic levels of chemicals, including xylene isomers (which can cause abnormal fetal development) as well as known carcinogens and neurotoxic agents. Side-effects, which can occur within minutes, include headaches, irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, feeling "spaced out," drowsiness, fatigue and confusion. Dr. Steve Brown, who headed the research, says, "To avoid exposure to this toxic cocktail, people who buy new cars should make sure there is plenty of outside air entering their vehicles while they drive, for at least six months after the vehicles have been purchased."

Echo Valley Farm Co-Operative

Echo Valley Farm Co-Operative on beautiful Mayne Island, BC was launched this May. Members of the co-operative co-own property and will develop organic gardens, vineyards and a cob-style winery on 240 acres.

A farm co-operative is a great way to encourage long-term, sustainable agricultural use. Mayne Island co-op members will be entitled to live and work on the property, which comprises a 200-acre valley with fertile farmland for vineyards and a 40-acre mountaintop site with spectacular view of the San Juan and Gulf Islands. The vineyards and winery are projected to be fully self-sufficient within five to 10 years.

Cob construction, an ancient building method using earth materials, is taught on the island. A cob-style winery would be one-of-a-kind in the world. For more information, call 1-866-833-9463 or e-mail



Garden Variety

Garden Variety

Rebecca HeatonRebecca Heaton