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Glorious Salads


Glorious Salads

Salads are a cornerstone of the return to raw, living foods. While greens are salad staples, every vegetable can be made into a delicious raw dish. These recipes speak for the variety of exciting living food! Living food is at the heart of any serious health seekersâ?? lifestyle.

Salads are a cornerstone of the return to raw, living foods. While greens are salad staples, every vegetable can be made into a delicious raw dish. These recipes speak for the variety of exciting living food!

Living food is at the heart of any serious health seekers’ lifestyle. After many decades of a society confused and lost as to what it should eat, common sense has finally prevailed.

Fresh non-cooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and beans not only provide the maximum amount of nutrition, they can also be nutritious gourmet delights that turn on your palate. Foods that are fun and foods that heal were once thought of as incompatible, but delectable, healthful recipes will eradicate any former notion that you may have had.

When spending the time to prepare menus that make you well, you are not only building your body, but also elevating your mind and spirit. Without fail, you will raise your level of energy, lengthen the time you will be on this earth and enjoy your life much more by chewing and swallowing living food.

Broccoli with Pineapple Salad

Greens with Dried Fruit and Coconut

Watercress Salad with Tomato Bocconcini

Asparagus and Belgian Endive Salad

Potato and Romaine Salad with Roasted Garlic



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