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Ginger for Ailing Moms-to-Be


Ginger, the root with the knobby little arms and legs, is a mainstay in everything from sushi to ginger ale. Not only does it aid digestion and cardiovascular health, it also helps ease nausea during pregnancy.

Ginger, the root with the knobby little arms and legs, is a mainstay in everything from sushi to ginger ale. Not only does it aid digestion and cardiovascular health, it also helps ease nausea during pregnancy. In a study at the Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 70 women suffering from nausea in their first trimester of pregnancy participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The lucky ones were given 250 milligrams of fresh ginger root powder, ground and put into capsules, four times a day for four days, while the others were given a placebo. Results showed a noticeable improvement, especially in reducing vomiting, in three to four days, revealing ginger has a cumulative effect and may take up to 48 hours to reduce symptoms. Ginger is available candied or in capsules at health food stores. Sip on ginger tea after meals and at bedtime.



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