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Gear up for Movember!


Gear up for Movember!

November marks the beginning of Movember, a month-long campaign in which men grow moustaches to raise awareness about prostate cancer and fundraise.

If you’re noticing a sudden jump in the number of men dawning facial hair this month, don’t be surprised—November marks the beginning of Movember, a month-long campaign in which men grow moustaches to raise awareness about prostate cancer and fundraise for prostate cancer programs, awareness, and education.

Movember aims to have “an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health by continuing to spark conversation and spread awareness of men’s health each year.” Here’s how it works: male participants (referred to by the Movember organizers as “Mo Bros”) register online at the beginning of the month with a clean-shaven face and raise money through sponsors to grow the best moustache they can.

Last year, Movember raised $22.3 million. It’s not surprising, because it may just be one of the most fun (and funniest) awareness-raising campaigns out there.

Although the month has already started, it’s not too late to get involved or donate! And for all of you “Mo Sistas” out there, you can support the men in your life and donate as well.

Men, take control of your health!
Unfortunately, men are less likely to visit a doctor compared to women, and may let symptoms go unchecked. When it comes to preventing men’s cancers or protecting prostate health, certain lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, and supplements, can make a difference.



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