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From our Readers


Dear alive: It all came back to me as I read this article! ("Pet Eye Problems," Pet Vet, alive #232) Our cat had a cloudy film developing over the lens. He had rubbed the area above the eye raw. We ordered drops from here, there and everywhere, which were very expensive.

Dear alive:
It all came back to me as I read this article! ("Pet Eye Problems," Pet Vet, alive #232) Our cat had a cloudy film developing over the lens. He had rubbed the area above the eye raw. We ordered drops from here, there and everywhere, which were very expensive. Then we tried free-form L-lysine. I bought it at a health food store and gave him 500 milligrams two times daily for several weeks. Knock on wood, but that was months ago and he is back to his old chubby, relaxed, napping self!
Joanna Watson
Campbell River, BC

Heads Up
Dear alive:
Regarding "Biological Terrorism: A New Threat" (Green Files, alive #232): Prior to September 11, who would have paid much attention to a warning that three high-jacked passenger planes would be flown into two World Trade Centers and the Pentagon?

Personally, I see myself as one of the many who would have responded to such a warning with an "Oh yeah, tell me about it" manner. Hopefully we will not respond to the threat of biological terrorism in the same way.
Bruce Doner
Collingwood, Ont.

Customs Confiscated Vitamins
Dear alive:
Thank you, Rhody, for your February editorial (alive #232). It has once again reminded me that I need to voice my disgust at the power of the Codex Commission. We in Canada take our freedom of choice for granted and think that injustices are only felt in Third World countries so far removed from us. The Codex Commission wields unheard-of power in Germany and now the European Union, so much so that vitamins recently sent to my relatives in Germany have been confiscated by customs with warnings of charges of illegal importation under the Customs Act.
Ursula Kessler, BA, RHN
Pefferlaw, Ont.

Proud to be a Nutritionist
Dear alive:
I am writing with reference to your article, "How to Choose a Health-Care Practitioner" (alive #233). I am a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, a registered nutritional consultant with accredited recognition from the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants, and I was extremely disappointed that the Institute was not mentioned in this article.

Having carefully researched all courses available prior to making a decision on which one to take, I can assure you that the Institute offers a high standard of instruction. It deserves a recommendation because it services Canadian interest and is an attendance program offered in the Toronto area.

I would request that you make reference to the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in your magazine to inform readers that it is a school worthy of the highest recognition. As a graduate, I have only the greatest praise to offer.
Samantha Kelly, RNCP, RN
Toronto, Ont.

Walking Woe
Dear alive:
I want to point out what I think are errors in "Walk a Workout" (alive #233) in the box on page 57 showing the examples of how many calories are burned per kilometre when walking.

1) The speed at which a person walks does not change the number of calories burned over a given distance. Calories are units of energy, which is determined by multiplying force times distance. Speed is not part of the equation.

2) The number of calories burned per km is too low in all three examples. At 180 pounds, I burn about 80 calories per km. I've verified this with trainers and believe this is accurate.

3) A five-minute km is a respectable running pace, and I doubt very much that many people can walk that fast. My wife, an avid walker, does about eight minutes per km on her fastest days.

One thing is certain--no 510-pound person has ever walked a kilometre in five minutes, and if they did they would burn a heck of a lot more than 41 calories. I'm worried that some 510-pound person will read this and figure it might be a good idea to knock off a quick 41 calories by walking a kilometre in five minutes. Call the paramedics!
Randy Vermaas
Ayr, Ont.

A 510-pound person should have read 150-pound person.

Herb of the Century
Dear alive:
May I say, I really enjoy your magazine. It often has some very valuable information regarding natural health. But I am utterly amazed that I never see anything on the wonder herb of the century.

I have been using this herb since 1996 and am still amazed at its power. I had a sport injury (left arm). When I went jogging, my left arm would buzz. Since I started taking this herb, no more buzzing. Also six years ago, I was diagnosed as being a type II diabetic. I can say I no longer have any problems with this dreaded disease or any other health problem, and I feel wonderful all the time. If you guessed that this herb is cayenne pepper, you are correct.
Chuck Gregory
Moosejaw, Sask.

Media Blind Spot
Dear alive:
Probably many have read the Globe and Mail (Feb. 15, 2002) or heard the announcement on CBC News that Canada Customs plans to install iris-recognition kiosks in airports across the country. A camera will capture a black-and-white image of the passenger's iris, which will then be processed by a computer and compared to the pattern database to confirm the passenger's identity. Furthermore, the article states that "one's iris doesn't change throughout one's lifetime."

The Iridologists' Association of Canada feels that it is its duty to clarify this statement. There are some iris marks, which iridology regards as inherited iris markings, that do not change or change very little over one's lifetime and perhaps those are the characteristics used in the identification system. However, to state that the iris does not change at all is contrary to the science and practice of iridology, which has empirical data to substantiate our claim that one's iris can and does change during one's lifetime dependent upon progressive or sudden changes in the body. This clarification is extremely important to us as it causes confusion and reflects negatively on the science and practice of iridology.
Agota Csekey
Executive Director, The Iridologists' Association of Canada
Toronto, Ont.

Congratulations on your great new format! Your magazine has been a great source of information to help me get on the right track to better health. A couple of years ago I sent a subscription to my dad as part of his Christmas present. He renewed it himself when the time came and said he will never be without it again. He is 83 and I am 43. There is something for everyone!
Darlene Vidito
Edmonton, Alta.

The article, "Weeding Out Herbicides" (alive #233) was accidentally published without credit for its original source. This article is a reprint from the Spring 1999 issue of UPdate, a newsletter published by the Nova Scotia Allergy and Environmental Health Association,

The article, "How to Choose a Health-Care Professional" (alive #233) stated that the designation Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) is registered to the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and the Edison Institute of Nutrition. It should have read that RHN is the exclusive designation of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. RHNs have clients and are eligible to join the IONC to obtain a RNC or RNCP designation.

Something to Say?
We love your letters! We want to know your concerns, your successes and your experiences in the growing field of natural medicine. We try our best to respond to all your letters. We cannot, however, provide medical advice. Letters published may be edited for space or clarity. Address letters to alive, 7432 Fraser Park Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5J 5B9. E-mail: E-mails must include name, town and province.



Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic Flexibility

Shawn RadcliffeShawn Radcliffe