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Fishy Toxins


Although salmon has many health benefits, farm-raised salmon can actually be dangerous to your health

Although salmon has many health benefits, farm-raised salmon can actually be dangerous to your health.

Dioxin and PCBs, both cancer-causing toxins, can be more than 10 times greater in farmed salmon than in wild salmon. These toxins are especially detrimental to brain development in fetuses and nursing babies. Antibiotic residues have also been found in farmed salmon along with other drugs used to treat diseases exacerbated by the overcrowding of fish stocks in pens.

From an environmental perspective, fish farms are ecologically unhealthy as well. They pose a danger to wild salmon stocks that are susceptible to the diseases created and spread in fish farms. Several pounds of wild-caught feed fish are required to produce just one pound of farmed salmon.  The pollution generated by fish farms is another reason many coastal communities are opposed to their proliferation.



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