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Fighting Infections

Finding the right remedy


Fighting Infections

Homeopathic remedies help activate our bodies' natural protection against infection. Unlike the effect of antibiotics (bacteria-killing substances), an accurately selected homeopathic remedy will increase the patient's ability to fight infection from within, leaving the patient's immune system energized.

Homeopathic remedies help activate our bodies’ natural protection against infection. These remedies are selected so that their actions match the patient’s symptoms (“like cures like”).

Unlike the effect of antibiotics (bacteria-killing substances), an accurately selected homeopathic remedy will increase the patient’s ability to fight infection from within, leaving the patient’s immune system energized. Homeopathy deals with the underlying cause of the infection and the resulting symptoms (redness, swelling).

Any injury can become infected. When the skin is injured, bacteria enter the open wound, and the body sends white blood cells to the area to increase immune response. How “run down” we are at the time of injury may determine how aggressive the infection will be. If the correct remedy is applied early enough, the infection can be cleared before pus forms. When pus does form, the precise remedy will help to mature the infection so that pus is contained, and is then drained completely.

Less is Best

Keep these remedies in your medicine chest and put this list with the remedies so you can remember which best suits the symptoms. Once you select a remedy, choose a 12C or 30C potency. Either potency will work if it is the correct remedy for the symptoms of the patient. The more confident you are in the remedy selection, the higher a potency you can take (30C is higher than 12C). Give a dose every three to four hours until symptoms improve and then stop. If you see no improvement by the third or fourth dose, it may be time to select a different remedy. Remember, less is best; homeopathy does not work better when you give double doses or repeat more often than needed. Immediately upon improvement, stop dosing and observe the symptoms.

Before Pus has Formed

Belladonna is helpful within the first 24 hours when there is a sudden onset of a red, tender eruption and possibly a sensation of throbbing.

Ledum is beneficial for a puncture wound before infection sets in. The injured part feels cold and numb and is relieved by cold applications.

After Pus has Formed

Arsenicum album may be used at any stage of an abscess when there is great burning pain that is noticeably relieved by warm applications.

Hepar sulphuris is selected when the affected area is extremely sensitive to the slightest touch, to cold air, or to cold applications. The person may describe the pain as if something were “sticking” into the wound. Keep this remedy in mind any time a small injury turns into a boil.

Mercurius solubulis is used if pus has formed. Mercurius helps bring the abscess to a head and promotes the drainage of pus. The boil may be painful but not as sensitive to touch as with the infection needing Hepar Sulph. The wound may be aggravated by warmth.

Silica is used when the infection has persisted and is slow to heal even though there is drainage. It is also used when an infection comes on slowly with redness and swelling for several days before the pus forms. A person in need of Silica is less sensitive than the person requiring Hepar Sulph. Also consider Silica for a person who develops a boil at the slightest scratch.

Sulphur is used for reoccurring infections that return shortly after a previous one was cleared. There is often a red or purple circle around the eruption and it feels hot.
Whether it is your child’s playground scratch or your spouse’s festering wound from a fight with a power tool, homeopathic remedies can be incredible allies against infection. You will feel better knowing that you did not compromise their health but improved their immune response.



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