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Fantastic Flaxseed


Fantastic Flaxseed

The first time I tasted flax seed oil, I was young and working for Siegfried in his bookstore. We were "going together and he invited me home to meet his family over breakfast.

Fantastic Flaxseed

The first time I tasted flax seed oil, I was young and working for Siegfried in his bookstore. We were “going together” and he invited me home to meet his family over breakfast. It was a breakfast unlike anything I had ever experienced: cottage cheese drizzled with freshly pressed flax seed oil and seasoned with herbal salt. I loved it at the first taste!

At that time I knew nothing about the healing properties of flax seed oil as the highest single source of omega-3 fatty acids. Or that the German scientist, Dr Johanna Budwig, was famous for her oil-protein diet (flax seed oil with quark or cottage cheese) for treating cancer and other degenerative diseases. Years later, Siegfried became my husband as well as a well-known magazine and book publisher. He wrote the best-seller Fantastic Flax in the alive Natural Health Guide series, in which he states that recent clinical studies at universities and hospitals around the world substantiate the important role of flax seed as a healing food.

My body intelligence knew this fact from the moment I tasted flax seed oil. In addition to being a potent cancer fighter, the omega-3 fatty acid in flax seed and its oil controls high blood pressure, eases digestion, relieves constipation, increases energy, speeds fat metabolism and soothes ulcers.

Now, as an experienced home cook, I use either flax seeds or the oil in my food preparation every day. Flax is such a versatile food that it can easily be included in every meal. A few drops of flax oil added to my fresh morning carrot-beet juice gives me better absorption of the carotenoids. I add ground flax to oatmeal porridge or muesli. Flax seed oil is the basic ingredient of my salad dressings and dips and it is the oil of choice in my potato salad.

Do not fry or saut?ith the delicate flax seed oil, as heat damages the fat molecules. However, the flax seeds themselves can be safely used in baking when they have been soaked beforehand. Bread baked with flax seeds stays moist much longer and has a rich nutty flavour. My family’s favourite dessert, Rumpelstiltskin, also contains this wonder seed. You’ll find this recipe in this issue as well as in Fantastic Flax, which has many other wonderful recipes. I recommend you get a copy from your local health food store.

In the meantime, try the following excellent recipes and experience for yourself the valuable health benefits of both flax seed and its oil. Flax seed deserves a special place in your daily diet.

Budwig Muesli


Flax and Vegetable Soup

Carrot Salad

What Is Quark?

Quark is the milk solid that separates from the whey when fermented (soured) milk, kefir or yogurt is heated to 165° F (75° C) and poured through a strainer or cheesecloth. Quark has the consistency of soft cream cheese and can be used in sweet recipes with honey and fruit or in salty dishes with chives, herbs and seasoning. Alternatively it can be used as a spread, dip and dressing or as a filling for perogies or cheesecake.

Cancer and Healing Whole Foods

Cancer is not a death sentence. It does, however, open up a new way of living. Support your body’s healing mechanism, the immune system, by cleansing and by nourishing with whole natural foods.


There is a lot you can do:

Eat whole foods, especially raw green vegetables with live nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants that counteract carcinogens and improve oxygenation of cells.

Buy only organic grains and produce to eliminate the impact of pesticide-ridden and genetically modified foods on your cells and immune system.

The chlorophyll in raw greens lends strength, deactivates toxins and is mildly cleansing.

Whole (brown) grains, with their full complement of vitamins, minerals and natural fibre, protect the digestive tract from disease and offer anti-tumour and antioxidant properties.

Highly poisonous are the trans-fatty acids in hydrogenated vegetable oils and margarines. Use unrefined, polyunsaturated, cold-pressed oils, such as flax seed oil, which contain essential fatty acids that optimize cell function, fight cancer and bolster the immune system.

Optimizing the health of your digestive tract and intestinal flora should be foremost in your battle plan against cancer, since every cell of your immune system depends on good digestion.

Avoid meat that is loaded with antibiotics and hormones, which promote cancer growth.
Read labels and eliminate all foods containing nitrates, artificial sweeteners, artificial preservatives and food dyes. Generally, the more refined and processed the food, the more toxic it is.

In short, make organic whole grains, raw foods (especially vegetables) and unrefined, cold-pressed oils the three staples in your diet.



Crossing the Digital Divide

Crossing the Digital Divide

Dylan GylesDylan Gyles