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Family Nutrition


Mother's milk is the best source of nutrition for at least the first six months of life. After six months, gradually introduce cooked, mashed grains, mashed bananas and vegetable juice such as carrot juice. Introduce foods one at a time and check for allergies.


Mother's milk is the best source of nutrition for at least the first six months of life. After six months, gradually introduce cooked, mashed grains, mashed bananas and vegetable juice such as carrot juice. Introduce foods one at a time and check for allergies. By nine months, your baby will likely be able to digest beans, grains, vegetables, cereals and fruits if they are softened or ground first.

The first solid foods given to a child can determine food preferences later in life. It is important for children to be given the choice of whole, living foods including a wide variety of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, soaked or sprouted grains, ground nuts and seeds, wholegrain bread, tofu, unsweetened natural yogurt with live culture and raw-milk cheeses. Here are a few suggestions.

  • Vegetables are best served lightly steamed or occasionally raw. Too much raw food can put excessive strain on the digestive system of infants and small children. Try grating vegetables to help digestion.
  • Amaranth and quinoa are two grains particularly rich in calcium and protein. Sprouting makes them less bitter.
  • Soak and grind all nuts and seeds for children under three years to prevent choking.
  • Use a variety of nut butters (except peanut butter which has a toxin called aflotoxin) as a great source of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Try almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter and sesame seed tahini on breads, crackers and rice cakes. Make your own or buy them from a health food store. Nut butters contain the essential fatty acids omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and omega-6 linoleic acid, important for brain development and healthy skin. Refrigerate nut butters to keep the oils from going rancid.
  • Unrefined, cold-pressed flax seed oil, the best source of the omega-3 essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, can be stirred into quark mixed with fruit juice for a delicious, nourishing treat.
  • Cod liver oil supplementation, ten drops a day, provides omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D, which are important for nerve, brain and bone development.
  • Tofu promotes brain development, providing protein, calcium and omega-6 linoleic acid.
  • Dried fruits like raisins, bananas, apricots, pineapple and prunes make a tasty, natural snack rich in blood-building iron.
  • Frozen treats on a stick can be made at home from freshly pressed fruit juices.
  • A child on a vegetarian diet should have a vitamin B12 supplement of 50 mcg once a week. Also include vegetarian sources of B12 such as yogurt, miso and tempeh.

Help Your Child Develop Good Eating Habits:

  • Listen to your child's needs and do not force feed them.
  • Provide a relaxed atmosphere and set a good example.
  • Offer small servings and let a child ask for more.
  • Encourage thorough chewing.
  • Make food that is colorful and interesting. Let children participate in food preparation.


Most people reach the final twenty percent of their adult height and the final fifty percent of their adult weight during their teenage years, so maintaining good nutrition is crucial at this time. Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, begin during adolescence. Menstruation also begins at this time, but can be delayed by low body fat. Generally, a teenager's nutritional needs are the same as that of an adult. Variety is the key to healthy eating. Be sure to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds and limit saturated fat intake, while increasing the essential fatty acids


Assimilation of nutrients decreases with age. Here are a few simple ways to derive as much benefit as possible from food:

  • Eat unrefined, whole foods such as whole grains, fresh vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, seaweeds and regional fruits.
  • Limit your salt intake. If you use salt, use only good quality sea salt and keep salt use to a minimum.
  • Include seaweeds, microalgae and cereal grasses in the diet as a good source of organic minerals which are easily assimilated.
  • Sprouts are ideal because fats, proteins and starches have been broken down into easily digestible forms. Add them to salads and sandwiches.
  • Eat nutritional yeast daily as a source of B vitamins and chromium to help prevent diabetes.
  • Use a tablespoon of lecithin granules on porridge or cereal every day to improve memory and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • To fight osteoporosis, eat cooked, whole grains in the morning with milk, plain natural yogurt, or a non-dairy soy or rice beverage.
  • Eat a salad of dark green, leafy vegetables, every day, including parsley, kale, watercress, Chinese cabbage and broccoli.
  • Exercise regularly and make sure you get sunlight (for vitamin D production) daily to ensure calcium absorption.

PDF Table of Seniors' Basic Dietary Recommendations


By adding the following foods to the daily diet, women can provide nourishment for the special needs of their bodies in all stages of their lives:

  • Rolled oats contain silica which is essential for healthy bones and important in the prevention of osteoporosis. Oats strengthen the nerves and fight depression, which is helpful in combating PMS, and mood swings during menopause. Make a Swiss-style breakfast muesli by soaking rolled oats overnight, then adding yogurt, fruit, sesame seeds, flax seeds and wheat germ.
  • Wheat germ and cold-pressed vegetable oils are the best dietary source of vitamin E. Vitamin E stimulates the body's production of estrogen. It increases fertility, protects against miscarriage during pregnancy and helps relieve symptoms of menopause.
  • Nutritional yeast can be sprinkled onto cereal with wheat germ. It contains inositol, which enhances the effect of vitamin E. A rich source of B vitamins, nutritional yeast strengthens the nerves and increases energy levels.
  • Unrefined, cold-pressed flax seed oil can be used daily on salads to help relieve PMS and the symptoms of menopause. Flax seed oil and other unrefined, cold-pressed nut and seed oils also provide vitamin E.
  • Sesame seeds provide calcium, which is needed in increased amounts during pregnancy and also during early stages of menopause, when calcium absorption is decreased. It is also important in the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Almonds are rich in magnesium. Calcium needs magnesium to be used by the body.
  • Raw, green, leafy vegetable salads provide calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, which enhance the effect of vitamin E.
  • Reduce coffee intake since coffee causes calcium to be excreted by the body.
  • Soy beans and sweet potatoes contain plant estrogens which can help to reduce menopausal symptoms.

PDF - Folic Acid


Zinc is important for a healthy prostate gland and for maintaining fertility. Grains and seeds are the best natural sources of zinc, especially sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Nutritional yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ and onions are other sources of zinc.

Premature hair loss is often a problem for men. To avoid baldness, the diet should be rich in whole grains and beans, which provide B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids. Vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C, bioflavonoids, beta-carotene and phytonutrients are also important.

Replacing Potassium Lost During Exercise

If you are engaged in strenuous activity and want to replace potassium lost in perspiration, a banana, a handful of raisins and peanuts, or a spoonful of nutritional yeast after your workout will give a quick boost of potassium.

Protect Your Family Against Parasites

Increasing world travel and infected water supplies are responsible for rapidly rising rates of parasitic infestation in North America. Over two billion people around the world are infected by filarial worms, hookworms, whipworms, pinworms and flatworms. Parasites are unsuspected causes of numerous serious intestinal problems. Chlorination of the water supply is not enough protection against the majority of parasites.

Parasites are found in highest concentrations in pork products such as bacon, ham, hot dogs, cold cuts and pork chops, as well as in beef, chicken, lamb and fish. Sushi from many parts of the world contain the larvae of several species of parasitic worms. If you eat animal products, ensure that they are well cooked and that you take probiotic supplements.

Nutrition for the Athlete

Proper nutrition is essential for the athlete of any age, gender or ability. Keeping your body fit throughout life with mild activities such as walking or gardening is an important step towards optimal health. Hiking, swimming, running, lifting weights, playing squash and other aerobic activities require specific nutritional supplementation. Learn about sports nutrition from authors such as Cory Holly and Dr. Michael Colgan, and ensure your diet contains the proper foods and supplements.

Strenuous activity without proper nutrition is detrimental to your body's well-being. With an increase in your activity levels, your body increases its ability to metabolize, digest and eliminate food as well as oxidize fatty acids and glucose. Eating wholesome, organic foods will provide the best fuel for these changes. Whether you are an athlete or not, avoid refined foods such as white sugar, white flour, white rice, table salt, homogenized milk, refined oils and margarine, junk or fast foods and colas.

An athlete should strive for a specific and predetermined dietary ratio of proteins (plant or animal), complex carbohydrates and fats, such as 40/40/20, 30/40/20 or 20/60/20. Spread your food intake over four or five meals per day to decrease the burden of digesting heavy meals and increase your body's supply of sustained energy. Drink at least ten to twelve glasses of water a day to help digestion and elimination of waste.

Sample Meal Ideas for Athletes

Early Morning:

  • 1/2 cup fresh juice


  • 1/2 fresh papaya and 2 soft-boiled eggs
  • 1 cup steel-cut cooked oats
  • 1 tbsp. organic blackstrap molasses


  • 2 slices rye bread
  • 2 tbsp. hummus or 3 1/2 oz. turkey breast
  • Mixed sprouts with assorted raw vegetables


  • Mixed organic greens with 1 tsp. flax seed oil and lemon juice
  • Spiced lentil/brown rice dish or baked wild salmon
  • Steamed broccoli


  • 40 g protein, 20 g carbohydrate, 2 g fat
  • 2 scoops ion-exchanged whey peptides
  • 150-250 g plain low-fat live culture yogurt

Sports Nutrition Protein Bar:

  • 10-30 g protein, 40-60 g carbohydrate and, 2-8 g fat


Protein shakes are popular rejuvenating drinks, as they are practical and designed to replenish and energize the system. Adding high-quality protein powders to your favorite blender mix ensures that protein lost through perspiration or burned as fuel is replaced. The new engineered whey proteins are soluble, taste good and are absorbed extremely efficiently.

Pre-workout Shake

1/2 cup low glycemic fresh juice (grapefruit)
2 scoops ion exchanged whey peptides
5 g creatine monohydrate
1/2-1 tsp. calcium ascorbate

Post-workout Shake

1 tbsp. flax seed oil
2 scoops ion-exchanged whey peptides
1 tsp. creatine monohydrate
1/2-1 cup filtered water
2-3 fresh fruits-mango, papaya, banana, kiwi (high-glycemic)
1/2-1 tsp. calcium ascorbate

The essential fatty acids, and especially the omega-3 family, are key dietary additions for those committed to an active lifestyle. These fats improve the circulatory and neural systems of the body which in turn help usage and control of the skeletal muscle fiber. They also enhance muscle growth by improving tissue elasticity. Combined with the sulfur-bearing amino acids, healthy fats create compounds used in all areas of the body, especially the lipoproteins and prostaglandins, which manage cholesterol transport and hormone synthesis, including testosterone, insulin, growth hormone and the somatomedins (IGF-1).

Creatine monohydrate, HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate) and L-glutamine are also excellent adjuncts. These products are clinically verified to enhance lean muscle mass, improve muscle cell volume, increase power and strength and increase the oxidation of stored fat. Creatine allows greater force to be used in resistance training or sprinting, provides a direct energy source so exercise duration can be extended, and speeds recovery so exercise frequency can be increased.

Healthy Eating Tips

  1. When you come home, always relax thoroughly before eating. Wait at least ten minutes before going into the kitchen. When you do eat, enjoy your food. Take the time to chew slowly and thoroughly to promote proper digestion.
  2. Start the day with a wholegrain porridge or make a Swiss-style muesli by soaking cooked rolled oats in milk, soy beverage or water overnight at room temperature. In the morning add milk, soy beverage or plain, natural yogurt containing live culture, a grated apple, wheat germ, ground flax seeds and almonds or hazelnuts. Add honey to taste. This wholesome breakfast provides energy and many essential nutrients for the day.
  3. If you use salt, choose high-quality sea salt, mineral or rock salt and use it sparingly. Avoid iodized table salt, unless you have low blood pressure. The sodium ions of table salt bind water in the cells, increasing pressure in the tissues and putting a strain on the heart which can lead to high blood pressure. Some people are particularly susceptible to rising blood pressure when they have ingested too much salt. There are many alternatives to salt such as lemon, onion, garlic, fresh herbs, apple cider vinegar, nutritional yeast and pepper, which bring out the flavor of dishes.
  4. For snack foods, keep raw vegetables such as carrots, broccoli florets and celery stalks in the fridge. Experiment with dips made from sesame paste (tahini), lemon juice, mustard and high-quality soy sauce (tamari). Dried seaweed such as nori or dulse makes a delicious snack that can be eaten right out of the package and is loaded with valuable minerals and vitamins.
  5. Eat a fresh salad with raw, leafy green vegetables every day. Raw vegetables provide valuable vitamins, minerals and enzymes. A daily salad also regulates the body's water balance, relaxes blood vessels and combats high blood-pressure.
  6. Eat some nutritional yeast every day-as a bread spread, added to soups or sauces, in flake or powder form sprinkled on salads. Nutritional yeast is a highly concentrated source of the B-complex vitamins.
  7. Include a fermented food, such as yogurt, kefir or fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut daily to promote friendly bacteria in your intestines.
  8. Green tea after a meal is an excellent antioxidant, helping to combat the onset of premature aging and disease.


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