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Fair Trade: Follow the Label


Supporting fair trade is often regarded more as a social statement than a consumer issue. It is, in fact, a social action taken by conscientious consumers, and the market for fair trade certified products is one of quality and diversity. There are so many fair trade certified products now available to us across Canada.

Fair Trade: Follow the Label

Supporting fair trade is often regarded more as a social statement than a consumer issue. It is, in fact, a social action taken by conscientious consumers, and the market for fair trade certified products is one of quality and diversity. There are so many fair trade certified products now available to us across Canada.

According to TransFair Canada, a non-profit certification and public education organization promoting fair trade, the consumer is an important player in fair trade commerce. The following industry associations will give you information and perspectives on specific fair trade certified products and markets in Canada.,

The following resources will give you a variety of perspectives on fair trade and places to find Fair Trade Certified products.

The Labelling Process

Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) is the worldwide fair trade standard-setting and certification organization. It permits more than one million producers, workers, and their dependants in 50 countries to benefit from labelled fair trade certified products. TransFair Canada is the Canadian certification body which follows FLO's standards for certification.

The Fair Trade Certification process begins at the production level in the countries where the raw materials and ingredients originate. All Fair Trade Certified products come from certified producer organizations. Beyond the source, the entire supply chain is monitored to ensure the integrity of labelled products. This chain of certification, monitoring, and licensing ensures that the integrity of the supply chain cannot be compromised. It ensures that only a product or ingredient certified at the source can be labelled as Fair Trade Certified. Only licensees can use the Fair Trade Certified label on their products.

Being an ethical consumer means having the conviction and the determination to make this world a better place. By being careful about what we buy and by asking ethical questions when we shop, we can fulfill our role in this great mission towards fair trade. We have the best tool to help us in this quest-all we have to do is just follow the label.

Chantale Rivard is a freelance writer, radio columnist, and photographer who has contributed articles on humanitarian and environmental issues to several independent magazines in Europe and North America.

Fair Trade Certified Products Benefit Consumers by

  • giving them the option of purchasing according to their principles and values
  • empowering them to be a player in the solution to global trade inequities
  • providing them with products of superior quality
  • assuring them of the ethical source of their food and non-food purchases


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