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Eye Soothers


If you've been staring at the computer all day or burning the midnight oil, try these tried-and-true remedies to soothe tired eyes and reduce puffiness

If you've been staring at the computer all day or burning the midnight oil, try these tried-and-true remedies to soothe tired eyes and reduce puffiness.

  • Pour boiling water over two chamomile tea bags and steep for two to three minutes. Squeeze out excess moisture and let tea bags cool to a pleasant temperature, just warmer than body temperature. Place over closed eyes and relax for five to 10 minutes.

  • Alternatively, try two slices of fresh cucumber over the eyes.

  • Gel eye masks or aromatherapy eye bags filled with flax seed, available at health food stores, also do the trick. Gel masks tend to remain cold longer, while eye bags mold nicely to the eyes and block out all light for complete rest from eye fatigue.


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