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Extreme Natural Makeover


We have all seen the shows on prime time television. An out-of-shape man or woman needing to lose twenty or more pounds, with tired skin and dry hair undergoes a complete surgical makeover.

Extreme Natural Makeover

We have all seen the shows on prime time television. An out-of-shape man or woman needing to lose twenty or more pounds, with tired skin and dry hair undergoes a complete surgical makeover.

Rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast, cheek and chin implants - you name it, they will get it! By the end of the hour, viewers are presented with a perfect (yet some may argue plastic) looking version of the person's former self.

Let's face it: we live in a quick-fix society, with beauty being no exception. Consider the level of spending in 2003 on the most popular cosmetic procedures:

  • Tummy tucks: $568,109,023
  • Breast augmentation: $942,015,163
  • Cheek implants: $21,911,758
  • Face lifts: $749,194,946
  • Botox injections: $871,401,049

Given the risks associated with many of the procedures, such as post-surgical infection, medication interactions, and long-term effects of foreign objects such as botox and saline implants, the question begs: is this really the best way to achieve internal and external beauty?

Ask most men and they will tell you that the most beautiful thing about a woman is confidence and good health. There is a certain sparkle in the eye, shine to the hair and skin, and skip in the step that can only be achieved by following a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Instead of turning to the knife, why not try these five natural steps to an extreme natural makeover?

Step 1: Eat antioxidant-rich food

Packed with minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients (disease-fighting chemicals) and fibre, fruits and vegetables counteract the effects of cellular damage, making the skin look brighter and younger. Also, try supplementing your diet with a green powder daily.

Step 2: Avoid diuretics, and hydrate like crazy

To brighten up skin, optimize digestion, and boost energy, drink a minimum of six to eight glasses of water per day. Avoid dehydrators such as coffee, tea, and alcohol.

Step 3: Supplement with fish oils

A majority of the population is deficient in the essential fat called omega-3. As well as being critical to every cellular function in the body (approximately 60 percent of your brain comprises fat), omega-3 makes your hair softer and shinier, and your skin smoother.

Step 4: Dry brush your skin

The skin is the body's largest detoxifying organ. Try dry brushing with a loofah two to three times per week to help your skin breathe and detoxify more effectively, and to reduce cellulite.

Step 5: Get your ZZZZZZZs

The quality and quantity of sleep you get is critical to recovering from stress and maintaining overall health. There is no moisturizing cream, hydrotherapy treatment or face mask that can compete with the powerful healing effects of sleep.

In addition to the above five steps, implement an exercise program into your life that incorporates cardiovascular activity and weight training. In no time, you will start looking and feeling your best. Now, that's extreme!



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