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Essential Oil of the Month


Essential Oil of the Month

) is a well-known culinary herb. It has been extensively used for hundreds of years as a safe herbal remedy. Its scent is fresh and aromatic. As an essential oil, rosemary is invaluable.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a well-known culinary herb. It has been extensively used for hundreds of years as a safe herbal remedy. Its scent is fresh and aromatic.

As an essential oil, rosemary is invaluable. It has a wide range of application and is particularly effective for digestive disorders; respiratory complaints and infections; sore muscles and poor circulation; skin care; and nervous afflictions.

Rosemary works well to relieve a fatigued mind. Place a few drops on a tissue or in a pot-pourri burner to counter mental stress and to energize the mind. Rosemary in the bath can recharge after a tiring and hot summer day. Rosemary can help in cases of acne and oily skin. It is particularly effective for dandruff and scalp irritations; a regular rosemary shampoo can help to eliminate these problems. Use a plain, non-irritating shampoo base and add essential oil of rosemary to a two-per-cent dilution. Rosemary should be diluted with almond oil before it’s applied topically.

Rosemary is a cerebral stimulant and a strong nerve stimulant in general. It is known to help bring on menstruation and raise blood pressure; therefore standard precautions are to avoid it during pregnancy or if you have high blood pressure. Note that essential oil of rosemary can antidote homeopathic remedies.



Garden Variety

Garden Variety

Rebecca HeatonRebecca Heaton