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Environmental Doctor Jozef Krop Appeals to Canada's Supreme Court


After more than 12 years of battle against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), environmental doctor Jozef Krop hopes to present his case to the Supreme Court of Canada.

After more than 12 years of battle against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), environmental doctor Jozef Krop hopes to present his case to the Supreme Court of Canada. This winter, Krop’s legal team is asking the Supreme Court for leave to appeal the CPSO’s verdict regarding his environmental medicine practice.

In 1999, Krop was found to fall below the standard of the profession by the CPSO. The CPSO, which regulates medicine in Ontario, opined that while none of Dr. Krop’s patients were harmed (and even acknowledged that their health improved following treatment), environmental medicine lacks scientific validity. The diagnoses Krop had made, including those of sick building syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity and candidiasis, were deemed to be of unproven validity. The CPSO tribunal rejected the entire defence evidence in support of these diagnoses and their treatments.

Dr. Krop’s lawyers had entered as defence exhibits no less than 123 articles from the world’s top peer-reviewed medical journals to show the scientific basis of these specific treatments, as well as evidence showing that these illnesses are internationally recognized. By contrast, the CPSO’s prosecution lawyers entered six items of "evidence" in support of their rejection of environmental medicine. None were relevant, as they were outdated by as much as 24 years or were mere opinion pieces rather than clinical research articles.

Nevertheless, Krop was reprimanded for recommending vitamin and mineral supplements, rotation diets, non-drug treatments and the switch to organic food and chemical-free water. He was ordered to change his consent forms to state that all his diagnoses and treatments had no scientific basis. It was then that he decided to start the appeal process, which has so far taken almost three years.

Dr. Krop’s lawyer, Michael Code, a charter and criminal law expert, is now seeking leave to appeal in the Supreme Court of Canada. He feels that this case could be deemed by the Supreme Court to be of major social importance. If the appeal is granted, and if it later succeeds, this would be a great boon for patients’ freedom of choice and recognition of the seriousness of our environmental mess.

The fight is for our right to good medicine, and it comes at considerable cost. Donations for the legal expenses can be sent to J. Krop M.D. Legal Defence in Trust via VISA at 1-800-352-8127 or mailed to TD-Canada Trust, 9019 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3M6.

History of Krop’s Case

1999 - Krop was found to be "below standard of practice" by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) following a decade-long disciplinary trial.

December 2001 - Krop entered first round of appeal in Ontario’s Divisional Court and lost.

June 2002 - The Court of Appeal of Ontario refused to hear Krop’s appeal.

November 2002 - Krop’s legal team will ask the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal the CPSO’s original verdict.

Dr. Krop Supporters

Ablass, Eric & Isobel
Absolon, J.S.
Achtemichuk, Paula
Allison, R.E
Almeida, L.
Andersen, Ove
Anderson, Patricia
Anstice, Robt. E
Aisha I. Arabei
Archer, David
Archer, David C
Armstrong, Regina
Asham, Nora
Aske , Angie
Atkinson , Irene
Avery, Annette
Bachmann , Gerhard & Ruth
Bailey, Leslie W.
Balog , Joanne
Balych , Miron
Baptie , Ethel
Bayley, S. Howard
Beach, Frances
Becker, Brian
Beckett, G.M.
Beckett, Norman R
Bertou, Werner
Beyeler, Elizabeth
Beynon , Ann
Bibby , Raymond
Biehn , Mervin L.
Birkett , J. Patricia
Bishop, Joyce
Bisson , Marie-M
Borchmann , Mrs. H.A.
Bordiuk , Tom & Lorraine
Botek , Mary and Anthony
Boudreault , Gilles
Bowie , Margaret
Bowyer , Dorthy
Boychuk , Lorraine
Boyes , Bayne E., CMA
Braid, Reginald & Lorna
Brant, Wally
Braun , Alysha L.
Brewer, Jon
Britt , Patricia
Brodie, Renee
Brulhart , Hal
Brunner , Mark & Kathy
Bryant , Elvira C.
Brys, Catherine
Buehner , Fred & Angela
Burgess , Judith
Bush , Edward G
Cabaca , Oliver
Candles By Sandra Inc., Elizabeth
Carate, Anne
Carlson, Judy
Carroll, Debbie - Forever Healthy Inc.
Cauchon, Suzanne
Causier, Jim & Georgina
Chad, Ruth I.
Chernipeski Construction Ltd. Chernipeski, Ivon
Ciurysek , Kenneth
Clarke, L.
Coad, Mary B.
Coles, William
Collins, Olga
Corcoran, Susan
Corn, Dorothy
Coupland, Beryl
Coxhead, Arthur & Annie
Cullen, Jean L.
Czyzo, Annaand Emanuel
Dahle, Henry
Damen, Aloysius and Alida
Damen, Aloysius F.
Davey, Patricia
Davis, Gail
Day, Nora A.K
Daykin, Philip Norman
De Poll, Rosemary
Demeray , Ron
Dewdney , Albert
Dieleman , Frank
Dillistone, Anne
Dixion , Arthur
Dorcich, Shirley
Doucet, Desmond
Douglas , John
Dowsett, Lucy
Drumheller Centre Of Natural Healing
Duckworth , James
Dynamic Health Service
Dyskart , Jacqueline
dgelow, George
Edward , Adrienne
Edward , Allan & Adrienne
Edwards, Forde
Elliott, Frank
Ellis , John & Joyce
Epp, Trevor
Essiac International, Ottawa
Maloney, T.P.
Fatt, Richard L.
Ferrara , John & Rose
Finucan, Betty J
Folkersma, Jack
Food First Inc.
Francis, Brian and Jodie
Franetzki , Robert/Sandra
Frey, Frank M.
From, Dolores & Ron
Fryling , M.R.
Fuchs, Joe & Violet
Ganz, Elfie
Garforth , L.
Gavin, Rita
Gereh, B. - Bell Distributors RGD
Gerstenacker , C.
Gerth, Shirley Elaine
Gibbard , A.C.
Gill, Cheryl
Gill, Karam S.
Gin, Donald
Gingerich, Margaret
Gloss, Gerhard
Godberson, Leslie
Godfrey, CH. and A.
Goetz, Alvin
Goldman , David
Graham , Hilda
Grant, Helen
Great Ocean Natural Foods
Green, William
Green, Gordon
Green, Donna
Grigg, Margaret
Gulland, Edith
Guricko, Al
Hackman, Pauline
Hale, Catherine
Hall, Angela
Hall, Isabel
Hall, Muriel A.
Western Lifestyles Inc. o/a Health Hut
Innes, F.
Hampshire, Allen & Helen
Hanas, John & Joanne
Harman, Kenelyn/Doris
Harris, Benjamin
Hartman, S.
Hartnell, K
Havens, Ruth
Health Products Centre, Medicine Hat
Heath, Ron
Heatherington, Glen
Hehner, Diana S.
Hehner, Gertrude
Hennig, Jane
Hodgins, E. Wayne
Holstein, E.
Hopkins, Ida M.
Hopper, Edward
Horwood, Bill
Howard, Myrna
Hubert, Arthur & Irene
Hubert, E. Lois
Hughes, Collen
Hughes, Joan
Hutchison, Elaine
James, Dr. G.A.
Janecex, Jindrich
Jerome, Margaret
Johns, Diane
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Muriel
Jones , John M.
Jones , Barbara L.
Jones , John M
Kaniuga , Walter
Kapuscenski , William
Kapuscenski , Bill
Kato, Norman
Kenney, Marion & Carl
Kernaghan , John
Kernot-Kocdag , Robyn
Kimber, Helga & Dave
King, Brunhilde
King, Frederick B.
Klempner, Jacob/Margaret
Klimek, Lylian M.
Koelewyn , Nick & Andrea
Kohsel , Carol & Andy
Koops, Hartwig & Anneliese
Kopp, Brigitte
Kopp, Christian
Kowalchuk, Mary
Krepakevich, N.
Krlin, Joseph
Kroon, D
Krug, Katherine
Kruger, Alvin W
Kulhay, Dr. Katrina
Kulhay Wellness Centre, Toronto
Laberge, George
Lachapelle, Helen
Ladysmith Health Food Store, Sheri
Lam, Philip (& Kitty)
Langermann , Olesia
Langridge, Harvey E.
Lansing, Judith
Lantz, Walter George
Large, Donald
Larivee, Barbara
Larsen, Erik
Larsen, Hans & Judith
Larsen, Hockley
Latam, Oliver/ Millicent
Lawrence, Lorraine
Lawson, Donald
Le Boeuf, Arlene I.
Leach, Ruth H.
Leavitt, Rosa
Lechowski, Christina
Lee, Rhonda
Lehmann, J. and R.
Leider, L.
Leith, Vicki and Graham
Lentz, Carl & Laurel
Leo’s Supper Club / Kenel Enterprises Ltd, - Leo
Lepp, Henry
Leppky, Barbra
Lizee, Robert
Lomholt’s Electrical Service and Home Reno’s - Lomholt
Lorez, Margrith
Lorton, Sharon A.
Lunn, Andrew
Lutka, Ron
Lutsch, Frank M
MacDonald, Barbara
MacDonald, Neil J.
MacDougall. Wilena
Mackay, Hilda
Mackenzie, Barbara
MacKinnon, Rolande
Macquarrie, Roy J.
Management Inc. - Lage
Manson, Roderick A.
Martin, Aden S.
Matejka, Sylvia
Matejka, Charles & Sylvia
Maufort, Audrey E.
May, Jean W.
Mazey, Nancy
McBride, Leslie
McCaskill, Gladys Fay
McClelland, Janice
McDonald, Mel
McEachern, E.M.
McGowan, Sylvia
McGuire, Ina M.
McIntyre, Ian G.
McLaughlin, John F.
McLeod , Ann
McNee, James
McPherson, George
Meadows, Donald or Sherin
Meads, Albert & Irene
Meier, Paul and Doris
Melanson, Bernard
Metcalfe, Ann M.
Michenka, Pavel
Middel, Ray & Jill
Miller, Edith
Miller, H.
Miller, Louise
Mistral Masonary Inc.
Mitchell, Linda - Harold J. Mitchell Insurance Ltd., Don Mills
Molzan, Lyle
Morgan, David C
Morstead, Harry
Mostert, Eliza and Gay
Murray, Marie
Murray, Irene & Doug
Murray, Trevor
Murray, Les & Marie
Nipkow, Gisella
Nohr, Phylis
Olsen, Aase
Osborn, Brian & Beverley
Ostler, Morgan Katherine
Ozipko, Al
Parker, Lila
Parkland Developments Corporation
Parotat, Helga
Payant, Roger
Peck, Brenda
Pelkman, P J
Percival, Garry/Megan
Pharmasave #106 - Gralor Enterprises Ltd.
Pluch, Martin & Mary
Polwarth, T L
Popieul, Mary
Portt, Marilyn and Gary
Post, Teena & Peter
Potvin, Gaston
Potvin, Marcel & Ruth
Powell, Barbara
Pratt, Roger
Price, Mary
Price, Mary & Harry
Prince, Helen
Pringley, Robert A.
Pritchard, Walter & Marjorie
Rabbel, Luba
Raines, Margaret
Ranking, William
Rapski, Joan
Read, Howard
Reed, Vera R.
Reid, Margaret
Reinholds, Marga & Visvaldis
Renaud, Lorraine
Renaud, Ruth
Roach, Elsie and Paul
Roes, Mildred
Rogers, M.J. (Ms.)
Rolls, William & Joan
Romanchuk, Alexander
Rosa, Pamela
Rosch, Reinhard W.
Rosenau, Stella
Ruddy, Phyllis E.
Russell, Sue
Rynsburger, William
Salzgeber, Juerg & Esther
Sanderson, D.A.
Sansom, Robert & Moira
Sawai, Makoto & Noriko
Schaaf, Jean & Ron
Schatkowsky, Tillie
Schilbach, Maria
Schipperus, Johan & Willi
Schoenleber, Susanne
Schoppel, Brigitte
Schorning, Fred F.
Schorning, Fred & Joan
Schurman, Pearl
Schwan, Joan & Jeffrey
Schwan, Jeff
Scott, Claire
Scott, John
Scott, John A
Scott, J.L.M.
Scott, Shirley A.
Seidel, Rainer
Seniscal, Robert
Senyshyn, Colleen
Shalinsky, William
Shannte, Celeste W.
Sharp, Violet H.
Sharpe, Barbara
Sheppard, Ted
Shufelt, Leon H.
Sidey, Thelma
Sidor, Doreen E.
Siehnert, Helen
Simon, Roger E.
Skehar, Iris
Sloat, J.
Smele, Steve
Smith, Barbara
Smith, Grace E.
Smith, Joyce
Snider, Lucy
Sones, Barbara & Barrie
South W. Nova Citizens For Choice in Health Care
Apencer, Calvin
Spittler, Marguerite
Spraque, Dorthy
Spriggs, Ruby
St. Arnault, Micel and Lori-Anne
Stang, Charmaine
Stang / Vandemark, Charmaine & William
Steeden, Eric C.
Stevens, Reg Stevens
Stevens, Bryan
Stewart, James C
Skinner, Maria
Sutter, Gerd
Sykes, Kenneth
Sykes, Ken
Sykora, Jan
Taschuk, Mary
Taylor, Lawrence
The Peanut Mill
Thompson, Roberta
Thorsteinson, Edna &Gordon
Tinneberg, Anneliese
Tinneberg, Steffi A.
Tinneberg, Ortwin & Anneliese
Tizard, Denis
Trapp, Lea L.
Turnbull, Mary E.
Tymcow, Joseph
Urton, John
Vaissade, Simonne
Van der Windt, Christina
Vermeulen, Monica and Albert
Viinikka, Sheila
Visions Unlimited Network
Vonstritzky-Letz, Alice
Wagner, Gernot
Warlow, Elizabeth
Warr, Zola
Weinrich,, William & Leona
Welner, Heather
Whetham, Harold & Nancy
White, Clare L.
White, Everett J. and Ines
Whitfield, Liliiian
Wickens, Kathy - Chiropractic Care Ctr
Wideman, Gloria
Widmer, Randy - Good For You
Canada Corp
Williams, Caroline
Williams, Peter and Nancy
Williamson, Monica A.
Wilson, Martha
Wilson, Michael
Wilson, Patricia A.
Winks, Ortrud
Wolfe, Albert
Wood, Cecil
Wright, B.Lesli
Yarmouth Natural Foods, Yarmouth NS
Yuzwak, Linda & Terry
Zierath, Siegfried, Dr., D.C. - Siegfried A. Zierath Professional Corporation, Whitecourt AB
Zmud, John & Helen
P. Zuibrycki

For more information on Dr. Krop and other physicians improperly prosecuted, please visit



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