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Elmer Laird Leads the Way


Elmer joined the Saskatchewan Farmers Union, a family organization, in 1950 and became a director of his district in 1952. He served two five-year terms and attended local and provincial meetings developing farm policy for the betterment of agriculture. He was a founding member of the National Farmers Union.

Elmer joined the Saskatchewan Farmers Union, a family organization, in 1950 and became a director of his district in 1952. He served two five-year terms and attended local and provincial meetings developing farm policy for the betterment of agriculture.
He was a founding member of the National Farmers Union. He is still a member and frequently writes to them about farm policy and organic, health and environmental policies.

In 1973, he became president of the Back to the Farm Research Foundation, which in 1983 sponsored the Canadian Organic Producer Marketing Co-operative Ltd. It was the first organic marketing co-op in Canada.

Over the years he has worked with thousands of farmers and farm leaders, both men and women, to improve agriculture policies and programs. For over 50 years, along with the Farmers Movement, he has helped build co-operatives, credit unions and worked in general for the benefit of the family farmer--men, women and young people.



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Forever Young: The Art of Delaying Time

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