A new film, "Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution," is a must-have for anyone concerned about electromagnetic radiatio.
A new film, "Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution," is a must-have for anyone concerned about electromagnetic radiation. Produced by the Council on Wireless Technology Impacts (CWTI), the 58-minute video takes an international citizen's perspective and is the first to explore the potential health risks and social concerns related to the proliferation of wireless devices and transmitting antennas. Among others, it features Dr Neil Cherry, biophysicist, Lincoln University, New Zealand; the late Dr John Goldsmith, MD; Henry Lai, research scientist, University of Washington; Dr Jerry Phillips, biochemist; and Dr Ollie Johansson, Swedish Karolinka Institute. For a copy of the documentary, send a $20 US cheque or money order to CWTI, 936-B Seventh Street, #206, Novato, CA, 94945 USA. Ph: 415-892-1863. Web site: < energyfields.org >.