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Dr Jozef Krop Supporters


Dr Jozef Krop Supporters

Hundreds of you responded to our campaign to help Jozef Krop appeal the verdict of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. After 10 years of defending himself against the college, Jozef Krop was found guilty of "falling below the standards" of the college's ideas of medical practice.

Hundreds of you responded to our campaign to help Jozef Krop appeal the verdict of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. After 10 years of defending himself against the college, Jozef Krop was found guilty of "falling below the standards" of the college’s ideas of medical practice. He was cited for prescribing vitamin C, recommending air purifiers and other common sense, natural methods.

The college counts on physicians giving into its pressure. Thanks to generous supporters like you, Dr Krop has had the financial resources to continue the fight. Two years ago, you helped raise over $60,000 for the struggle. The new total is climbing--this support is crucial to help Dr Krop win his appeal and the right to choice in health care.

The following list is not complete--a number of names were published in January. As the cheques are entered and processed (sometimes a lengthy process due to the volume!) we will continue to publish the names of contributors. We appreciate your kindness and your patience!

The cost of Jozef Krop’s court appeal is estimated at $250,000. Donations can be sent to the Jozef Krop Defense Fund in Trust, c/o 7436 Fraser Park Dr, Burnaby, BC, V5J 5B9

Health Hut, Grande Prairie AB
The Sports Traders, Dauphin MB
The Country Way, Sault Ste. Marie ON
Ladysmith Health Food Store, Ladysmith, BC
Albrecht, Hedwig and Rudolf
Arabei, Aisha I.
Armstrong, Regina
Asham, Nora
Augustine, Wanda
Balabanov, Olive
Bals, Maria T. Z.
Baltzer, Else
Bassett, Dianne E.
Beckett, G.M.
Binette, Marcel
Birnie, Margaret
Bodnar, Beverlee J.
Borchmann, Mrs H.A.
Bordiuk, Tom & Lorraine
Boyes, Bayne E.
Bramham, Jenny & Nelson
Braun, Alysha L.
Bregar, Joe A.
Brewer, Jon
Broderich, Granby R.
Brodie, Renee
Brown, Connie
Burgess, Judith
Carlson, Eulalia
Chaffey, Kathleen J.
Chamiset, Michael
Charron, Connie
Chudleigh, Isabella B.
Clark, Kathleen M.
Clark, Murray and Veda
Cowie, Shari
Davis, Gail
Dearden, Fergus
DeGroot, Karen
Dermody, Margaret
Dion, Adrienne
Doel, Harold
Elliot, Hester
Epp, Trevor
Fischer-Jenssen, George & Louise
Fortune, C.
Fox, Thelma
Fryling, M.R.
Fuchs, Violet A.
Garrod, Vera M.
Gerth, Shirley Elaine
Gibson, John
Gillespie, William H.
Gingerich, Margaret
Gingrich, Aileen
Gonsalves, Gordon J.
Graham, Hilda
Hackman, Pauline
Halbert, Diane Caroline
Hartmann, Gary & Audrey
Harvey, K.
Hattaway, Libbye
Hatton, Marjorie
Hehner, Diana S.
Hehner, Gertrude
Hill, Leonard E.
Hinrichs, Albert and Junta
Hoinkes, Robert H.
Holzendorff, Ingeborg
Howard, Myrna
Imrie, Melville
Jenkyn, Joan
Junttila, Agnes & Peter
Kato, Norman
Kernot-Kocdag, Robyn
Kirkpatrick, Doris
Kleefisch, E.
Kroening, Kurt
Krug, Katherine
Kuhn, William & Eva
Lahnakoski, Kaarina K.
Lawrence, Arnold K.
Leider, L.
Leith, Vicki and Graham
Lindsay, Owen F.
Lochner, George
Longpre, Bernard
MacDonald, Neil J.
Manson, Roderick A.
Markin, Marilyn
Martin, Aden S.
McDonald, Nancy J.
Melhorn-Boe, Lise
Metcalfe, Ann M.
Miller, Louise
Mitchell, Linda
Morgan, Henry M.
Naft, Robert
Pannier, Heddy
Payant, Roger
Peterson, Kristin
Pidutti, Victoria
Pohl, Anna
Pringley, Robert A.
Reid, Margaret
Reinholds, Marga & Visvaldis
Repas, Marion
Robson, Wendy
Rollo, Elise and John
Roque, W. E.
Rosa, Pamela
Rosch, Reinhard W.
Salzgeber, Juerg & Esther
Schurman, Pearl
Sharp, Violet H.
Sheppard, Ted
Smith, Helen
Sones, Barbara and Barrie
Spraggs, Patricia
Staples, John
Stephens, Eileen
Sutter, Gerd
Taylor, Duncan K.
Tilden, Phyllis
Touchette, Raymonde
Tresher, Anna F.
Tymcow, Joseph
Vanryckeghem, Nola
Wagner, Ghislaine
Williams, Peter and Nancy
Witherell, Damaris
Zeman, Richard
Zuibrycki, P.



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