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Digital Health Is alive!


Digital Health Is alive!

Alive Publishing Group Inc., together with Canadian natural health retailers and practitioners, is pleased to introduce Canada's largest and most interactive natural health Web site:

Digital Health Is alive!Alive Publishing Group Inc., together with Canadian natural health retailers and practitioners, is pleased to introduce Canada's largest and most interactive natural health Web site:

Acclaimed as one of the largest single natural health promotional initiatives ever undertaken in this country, the Web site boasts natural health knowledge presented in multiple formats, both static and interactive. Information will benefit both novice and serious health enthusiasts and, perhaps most importantly, help steer the uninitiated toward natural health.

Alive Publishing began the expensive and expansive process of putting its natural health information online after market research showed that only a quarter of Canadians are aware of natural health and alternative treatments. The Web site launch reflects alive founder and publisher Siegfried Gurche's 30-year commitment to educating people about natural health, and supports his unofficial status as the father of natural health in Canada. While his accountants and bankers haven't always supported his practice of reinvesting company equity back into research and development, Siegfried has always pushed forward with leading-edge research, product development, and education to promote nutritional, physical and emotional well-being.

The new Web site, the fourth largest of its kind in North America, features three primary sections that: 1) define health; 2) assess your health using online tools; and 3) educate you about health through alive's recently revised Encyclopedia of Natural Healing and the last four years of alive journals.

Defining Health
The primary objective of this section is to provide a proper definition of natural health. alive founder Siegfried Gursche believes that because many capitalistic sectors of the health industry are jumping onto the natural health bandwagon, it's important people understand that optimal health reflects nutritional, physical and emotional well-being, and that it is a personal responsibility.

Assessing Health
This section features the first Health Quotient (HQ) assessment test developed in North America. We've been measuring IQ (intelligence quotient) for almost a century and EQ (emotional quotient) for about a decade. Siegfried Gursche believes it's time we assess health as a measure of vitality and longevity. alive's HQ test was developed by a team of experts including medical and naturopathic doctors, a chiropractor, a nutritionist, a kinesiologist and a biochemist. Development costs were covered by Canadian natural health retailers. The test, which takes about 30 minutes to complete, can be archived for future retesting. Additional assessment tests will be available as they are developed.

Educating About Health
This section provides access to the last four years of alive journals, including recipes. By conducting key-word index searches, visitors can access pertinent articles about a myriad of health issues, conditions and alternative remedies, and can forward them to family and friends using an e-mail link. This is a huge resource, considering every issue of alive is the work of five full-time people together with more than 30 contributing writers. Siegfried believes this will definitely extend the journals' usefulness. He says, "By putting back issues online, alive provides immediate access for existing and potential readers."

Publishing the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing online is perhaps the most exciting feature of the alive Web site. The encyclopedia is the fruit of five years of work by more than 120 people, including international consultants, natural health practitioners and research teams. In its initial print run, the encyclopedia was the first health-related book to win the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award of excellence.

So, take a minute now to visit with its wealth of natural health information and interactive health assessment tools. Digital wellness is, indeed, alive!

Web site wizardry

  • The benefits of accessing natural health information online at are many.
  • Visitors can share information, including alive recipes, with family and friends via e-mail.
  • Students can research information for school projects.
  • Natural health practitioners can access and share information with clients.
  • Readers can compare past and current information about specific issues.
  • Visitors can access information about nearby natural health retailers.


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