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Diabetics: stock up on yogourt fortified with vitamin D!


Diabetics: stock up on yogourt fortified with vitamin D!

According to a recent study, diabetics who consumed yogourt fortified with vitamin D had improved cholesterol levels and a biomarker of heart disease.

There is a well-known link between diabetes and heart disease, so diabetics may want to do all they can to decrease their risk factors for developing heart disease. It is also known that insufficient levels of vitamin D can contribute to hardening of the arteries and heart disease, so in a recent study researchers wanted to determine if vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart disease in those with diabetes. Turns out, it might.

In the double-blind study in BMC Medicine, yogourt fortified with vitamin D, when consumed on a regular basis, helped to improve cholesterol levels and a biomarker of heart disease in those with diabetes after 12 weeks. Levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol were reduced, while levels of HDL (good) cholesterol were increased. Vitamin D may also improve fasting glucose and insulin levels in those with type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin D has many other potential benefits, including reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis and some cancers.

There are also many lifestyle changes diabetics can make to improve their quality of life and manage their disease, including exercise, proper nutrition, and reducing stress.



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