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Delightful Dinner Bouquets


Delightful Dinner Bouquets

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of your flower garden. But you can also take pleasure in eating the harvest from your back yard. Edible flowers can add color and a touch of the exotic to simple summer meals. Be sure to use only organically-grown flowers.

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of your flower garden. But you can also take pleasure in eating the harvest from your back yard. Edible flowers can add color and a touch of the exotic to simple summer meals. Be sure to use only organically-grown flowers. You can use the ones from your own garden or purchase them from organic produce stores.

All recipes make one plate, which can be eaten by one person as a meal, or perhaps shared as a side dish. It’s easy to double or triple the recipes.

Peppery Tomato-Feta Salad

Rose Petal-Snow Pea Salad

Sunflower Salad

Tomato-Chive Salad



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