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Culling The Population


Culling The Population

"Air pollution kills 1,600 to 1,800 people prematurely in Ontario [alone] each yea.

"Air pollution kills 1,600 to 1,800 people prematurely in Ontario [alone] each year."
--Hamilton Spectator, Oct 2, 1999

To die "prematurely" is to die before the natural or proper period of death is expected. It’s to die young.
So who are these people who are being snuffed out in their prime? Apparently Health Canada does not know. But according to one of their top scientists, Dr Rick Burnett, air pollution may be just one way of "culling the population that is so sensitive that something is going to come along and kill them." If it was not air pollution it would be something else.

"We don’t want to spend money if it’s not going to do any good," he says.

Burnett spoke to a gathering of representatives from government, industry and universities at a two-day clean-air conference in Hamilton, Ontario a few months ago. He claimed that the victims of air pollution are "anonymous" and, he implies, mythical. But he looks for ways to identify the health data in order to better "manage their health care."

Where has this man been?

Perhaps he has never heard of Jozef Krop, Canada’s leading doctor of environmental medicine. He is also the most celebrated, since the College of Physicians and Surgeons’ attack on his successful practice as "unethical and unprofessional." Burnett has likely not heard from alive reader Morghynn Karenn, who describes herself as a "chemically hypersensitive lawyer" in Ontario. She can no longer work in her profession because she was doused with insecticides at work and is now unable to enter a workspace (see page 66).

Beyond Mythical
"Come and tell me to my face that you do not know who these [chemically] sensitive people are," this woman writes. "Check with the two Canadian environmental clinics. Check Mr Allan Rock’s pile of mail. Check with the provincial medical associations. But you better ask them for the "chemophobe/doomsday lunatic/middle-aged female hypochondriac" division.

"Check with the local welfare rolls. Check with the [provincial]. They will tell you. We are the people that all of you pray to God will die as fast as possible so the word does not get out to the general public.

"Oh, and check with the poor little 17-year-old from Sudbury whose dad sat in Queen’s Park on a hunger strike a few years ago in order to get treatment in the Dallas, Texas Environmental Unit, because Ontario does not want to know who we are! She was almost dead before her father succeeded. Come and see me, Mr Burnett and Mr Rock. I would really like to have a word with you."

Mr Rock does not answer her letters, so she wrote to me.

Burnett says the federal government is trying to establish new national standards for "some" key pollutants.

"New strategies will have to take into account the population most affected [in] society to expend its efforts and resources for the greatest benefit to public health," he says.

As a scientist he is looking for "designer" strategies that focus on a particular air pollutant.

Air pollutants can be both deliberate, such as the use of BTk, the organism sprayed on a defenseless population in order to kill gypsy moth larvae. Or covert, like the release into the atmosphere of chemical "trails" from aircraft, which are widely reported across Canada.

Watchers reckon chem trails to be a military maneuver to test toxins on targeted populations (see alive #208). Chem trails have been sighted across BC and Ontario. It’s not normal vapor and it’s been noted that people in the areas get sick afterwards with respiratory and "flu-like" symptoms.

Thorn in the Side
The chemically disabled lawyer is now living in Port Sydney, "a small village with clean outside air...approximating life in the bush in the early 1800s. No telephone, no computer, no car."

"As long as I have pen and paper," she writes, "I intend to be a thorn in someone’s side, right up to my last breath. And I have a fair bit of training and practice!"

She says doctors fear multiple chemical sensitivity becoming a legitimate physical health condition in the public mind "since their profession depends so heavily upon public perception of chemicals as purveyors of health. If the word "chemical" becomes firmly associated as a cause of ill health rather than treatment, it cuts into their livelihoods by opening the door to alternative models...and threatens their monopolistic position."

She said it. Not me!



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