A wise person once said, Sickness is big business. Now more than ever, this appears true. According to a recently released Health Canada report, the total cost of illness in Canada has risen to an estimated $159
A wise person once said, Sickness is big business. Now more than ever, this appears true. According to a recently released Health Canada report, the total cost of illness in Canada has risen to an estimated $159.4 billion: $83.9 billion (52.7 percent) in direct costs and $75.5 billion (47.3 percent) in indirect costs. Direct costs included hospital care, drug and physician care expenses, while indirect costs include mortality and morbidity due to short- and long-term disability. The Economic Burden of Illness in Canada, 1998, provides the most comprehensive data available. The full 102-page document, available online at ebic.femc.hc.bc.ca, makes a strong argument for preventive medicine.