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Correcting Skin Imperfections


The skin generates new skin cells and sheds dead, lifeless cells daily

The skin generates new skin cells and sheds dead, lifeless cells daily. This natural process reduces the appearance of fine lines, superficial scars, uneven skin tones, blemishes, and even light age spots. When we're young, skin cells replace themselves every month. As we age, this process slows and can take up to twice as long.

We can speed the process of skin replacement with exfoliation. Using a face scrub two to three times each week will instantly create a more radiant appearance. In time, you'll see fewer and fewer imperfections.

Traditional facial scrubs use a walnut shell powder to slough away dead skin cells. Health food stores are now also carrying exfoliation products made with crushed bamboo or crushed olive seeds. These grains are very small, non-irritating, and provide a type of mini-micro-dermabrasion you can use at home for fresh, radiant skin.



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