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Classical Homeopathy


Interest in classical homeopathy has grown. What's grown along with it is the recognition that classical homeopathic theories are explained and supported by science. Homeopathy can often be the main therapy to assist healing; in other situations it may be a useful additional "string" to the therapeutic "bow."

Interest in classical homeopathy has grown. What's grown along with it is the recognition that classical homeopathic theories are explained and supported by science.

It is increasingly acknowledged that diseases are the result of diverse causal factors. Therefore, various lines of therapy may be appropriate to help with healing. Homeopathy can often be the main therapy to assist healing; in other situations it may be a useful additional "string" to the therapeutic "bow."

We know that all material objects, including our own bodies, are actually energy fields behaving as if they are solid. Science reminds us that the atoms that compose seemingly solid objects are whirling zones of energy. With this idea in mind, it is much easier to think of the human body as comprised of many cells, or small energy patterns, linked together in the overall complex. The implications are vast! Changes in one's personal energy field can affect thought processes, emotional reactions or physica performance.

With this in mind, classical homeopathy also considers the mind-body connection. It recognizes that ideas and feelings can determine one's physical condition. There is an immense potential for healing when working with the composite body energies of thoughts and feelings, along with the physical.

Energy flow changes are associated with disease, even though gross cellular changes cannot always be defined to account for them. Therefore, homeopathy treats changes in the totality of body energy patterns and not merely the reactions of particular cells. Such an understanding of the body composition opens the way for more dynamic assessments of disease.

The classical homeopathic approach implies that any disease is a disturbance of the composite body energies, and is a change that influences the whole system to some degree (even though at times it may appear to focus on a particular part).

The word "homeopathy" can be understood by taking it back to its Greek roots. It incorporates two Greek words: homios (like or similar) and pathos (suffering). When these two roots are put together we have a single term which implies "like suffering." The idea fundamental to classical homeopathic prescribing is to treat likes with likes.

An appropriate remedy presents another stimulus similar to that causing the disease. The remedy is in a form to which the body can respond more effectively and so provokes a self-healing reaction against the pathological condition. This contrary action or "counter-revolution" then overcomes the disease process.

This method works by treating an illness with high dilution levels of extracts that would cause the symptoms of the illness in a healthy person. What's left is the energetic essence of the remedy, which changes the personal energy field, thereby re-creating a healthy balance within the individual.

Most classical homeopathic medicines come from naturally occurring (rather than synthetic) products.

There is so much more to research and discover in this field. For example, there are one half of a million plant species on earth. Only five per cent of these plants have been examined for their healing properties.

Consider, for example, the treating of some types of common cold infections by a homeopathic preparation of Allium cepa. The cold infection provokes a disturbance to which the body does not immediately respond with an adequate opposition. The Allium cepa prescribed for the cold then provokes a stronger response which corrects the prior disease state.

Most importantly, if the will is set toward recovery, there is a unified movement of body energies and therapies used; these together orient toward health.



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