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Chilled Soups


Chilled Soups

Summer provides such a gorgeous bounty of health promoting foods, and what easier way to prepare them than to blend and serve them as a chilled soup? The tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, cucumbers, and herbs featured this month are all high in vi.

Chilled SoupsSummer provides such a gorgeous bounty of health promoting foods, and what easier way to prepare them than to blend and serve them as a chilled soup? The tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, cucumbers, and herbs featured this month are all high in vitamin C, beta carotenes, and disease-fighting flavonoids.
Garlic and onions are known cancer fighters and also reduce the risk of heart disease, the number one cause of death for women in Canada. By choosing dishes full of

healthy vegetables we can lower that risk.

High antioxidant vegetables also help fight aging and promote health. Parsley in particular is important for women as it is high in both iron and calcium. I always recommend doubling the amount of parsley in any recipe.

Flax oil is substituted for the traditional olive oil in the gazpacho recipe as flax oil can help lower blood fat levels, improve mood, and produce healthier skin. Gazpacho originates from Spain, so it’s a tried and true recipe for lifelong health in the sun. Salud!

Chilled Yogurt and Cucumber Soup


Cold Avocado Soup

Lentil pita pockets

Honey Lemonade



Garden Variety

Garden Variety

Rebecca HeatonRebecca Heaton