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Chemicals In Cosmetics


Chemicals In Cosmetics

Organic, natural cosmetics allow healthy beauty to shine; mainstream products chemically preserve. Itâ??s your choic.

Organic, natural cosmetics allow healthy beauty to shine; mainstream products chemically preserve. It’s your choice.

Are you aware that the mainstream cosmetics industry in North America is big business, with over $30 billion in sales each year? Their products are sold through a "brainwashing" type of advertising by multimedia: television, radio, magazines and newspapers. Claims are made, but do we really know what the ingredients are? Even if they are listed on the product label, few people understand which ones are dangerous.

In Canada, there are no labelling laws for cosmetics. In the United States, the law provides for mandatory labelling of ingredients, but only chemists understand their purpose and dermatologists, their problems. A large percentage of the population suffers adverse reactions and consequences from using personal care products that contain harmful chemicals and synthetic ingredients.

Be aware that there are over 900 chemicals available for use in cosmetics that are toxic and pose a danger to health and well-being. Companies selling personal care products hide controversial ingredients under the label of "trade secrets." Because of intense competition in the industry, if a company uses an ingredient that is relatively new, or one that makes their product unique, it can petition the Food and Drug Administration in the US (in Canada, the Health Protection Branch) to prevent disclosure of that ingredient by granting trade secret status! This spells delight for the company–and disaster for you.

Many people are very health and beauty conscious and are willing to spend large amounts of money on cosmetics that promise to firm saggy skin, remove wrinkles, nourish dry skin or remove blemishes. Brand name cosmetic companies have developed a profitable industry selling products that imply many non-existing virtues and cures!

Every chemical cosmetic product on the market is formulated for shelf life of over three years. Therefore, each contains a large amount of preservatives (usually four synthetic parabens) to prevent spoilage. These are cellular toxins; otherwise, they couldn’t kill microbes. They penetrate the skin to a certain extent and many have been shown to cause allergic reactions and dermatitis.

More than 90 percent of all ingredients in commercially available cosmetic products are of synthetic origin-with all the associated health risks. On the other hand, there is a wealth of disclosed information and practical knowledge available about natural products that have been used successfully for thousands of years. A reputable natural cosmetic company can offer consumers a good selection of personal care products, minus the dangers.



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