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Cell Phone Towers Scrutinized


Electromagnetic radiation emitted from cell phone towers may pose a danger to humans, according to new research commissioned by Green Member of European Parliament Caroline Luca.

Electromagnetic radiation emitted from cell phone towers may pose a danger to humans, according to new research commissioned by Green Member of European Parliament Caroline Lucas. The study was authored by electromagnetic expert Dr Gerard Hyland from the Department of Physics at Warsaw University and the International Institute of Biophysics in Germany. Made public on July 11, the paper points out that the microwave radiation used for cellular communications contains low frequency patterns that lie within the range of human brain wave cells. This can't help but interfere with neural processes, just as light has been shown to do, say researchers. However, the exact health effects aren't yet known because conclusive research doesn't exist. Said Dr Hyland, "If the same level of uncertainty and debate as currently surrounds the safety of human exposure to [microwave] radiation existed in the case of a new drug or foodstuff, they would most certainly never be licensed." Given these uncertainties, Lucas is pushing for British legislation that would ban cell phone towers in densely populated areas. Meanwhile Canada has no such legislation. Anyone interested in this issue can check out or < > for more information.
Green Party, July 2001



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