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Many companies might rest on their accomplishments after enjoying more than 30 years of being recognized as a leader in their field. This is especially true if that company has a loyal following. This kind of corporate strategy brings to mind the cliché: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Many companies might rest on their accomplishments after enjoying more than 30 years of being recognized as a leader in their field. This is especially true if that company has a loyal following. This kind of corporate strategy brings to mind the clich?If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


For those of us at Alive Publishing Group Inc., that kind of thinking makes us wonder: "But why not?" Every opportunity to change is an opportunity to make our magazine better for our readers. Therefore, in the last few years, we have made changes, some small and some more substantial, to both alive magazine and

The Results

These changes have elicited positive and enthusiastic feedback not only from you, our valued readers, but also from our peers. Recently, alive magazine and were both recognized for outstanding achievements, winning APEX 2006 Awards for Publication Excellence.

The APEX awards, in their 18th year and sponsored by Communications Concepts Inc.,
recognize excellence in publications work by professional communicators. Peers judge the entries "on excellence in graphic design, quality of editorial content, and the success of the
entry in conveying the message and achieving overall communications effectiveness."

Out of almost 5,000 entries, alive magazine and were chosen to receive three awards: two APEX Awards of Excellence, which are given to recognize exceptional entries in each subcategory, and one APEX Grand Award, which is given to honour outstanding work in each main category.

The Awards

  1. APEX Grand Award for Best Web and Intranet Site for One judge's comment: "An attractive, clearly structured, visually appealing, and tightly written site."
  2. APEX Award of Excellence for Most Improved Magazine and Journal awarded to alive magazine.
  3. APEX Award of Excellence for Web and Intranet Site Content and Writing awarded to

Recent Exciting Changes at the Alive Publishing Group Inc.

  • Renewed commitment ensures that our research is fresh and current.
  • Revised editing process continues to improve the quality of our articles.
  • Ongoing additions are being made to our list of high-calibre writers and editorial staff.
  • Original photography both in studio and on location are now produced by our in-house photography department.
  • Recently redesigned is receiving rave reviews.

Changes to Look for in the Future from Alive Publishing Group Inc.

  • new regular columns in alive magazine on topics such as workplace wellness, eco travel, gardening, and organic wine and spirits
  • case studies and hard-hitting articles that promote interaction and comment in alive magazine and in the forums on
  • updated Health and Wellness courses offered though the alive Academy of Natural Health
  • monthly web exclusive articles available and archived online check out for details


Friends with Health Benefits

Friends with Health Benefits

Theodore D. Cosco, PhDTheodore D. Cosco, PhD