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Cardiovascular System


The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, arteries and veins, and nourishes each body cell by transporting nutrients throughout the body. Cardio refers to the heart, and vascular refers to the supply of blood vessels. The network of blood vessels spreads from the bones and muscles to the teeth, and is powered by the heart.

The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, arteries and veins, and nourishes each body cell by transporting nutrients throughout the body. Cardio refers to the heart, and vascular refers to the supply of blood vessels. The network of blood vessels spreads from the bones and muscles to the teeth, and is powered by the heart. Throughout an average lifetime, the heart will beat more than two billion times and will pump enough blood to fill over 100 full-sized swimming pools. The heart never rests.

Good circulation builds up the cells with oxygen, protein and other vital nutrients for fuel, as well as speeding the removal of cellular waste and toxins. Blood regulates the pH balance in the body to prevent it from becoming too acid or too alkaline. Blood also adjusts the body's temperature through the heat-absorbing and coolant properties of its water content, and by modifying the rate of blood flow through the skin, excess heat can escape. Blood serves a protective function as well; its clotting mechanism prevents blood loss from wounds to the skin or from internal damage, and its white blood cells protect against toxins and foreign invaders.

Serious interruptions in circulation lead to strokes and heart attacks, but the body will suffer and cope with poor circulation long before this occurs. The skin and nails show the first subtle signs of poor health, before more serious symptoms such as a cold, pale skin and slow-healing cuts become obvious. The cardiovascular system is dependent on clear arteries to supply oxygen to all parts of the body. Leg or heart pain during exercise is a signal that the tissues are not getting enough oxygen. Anything that restricts blood flow will contribute to a poor venous system. If circulation stops, tissues die.

PDF Diagram of the Circulatory and Cardiovascular System

With sixty thousand miles of blood vessels, your cardiovascular system is literally a river of health that would go around the earth's equator two and a half times. As long as this river runs freely, nutrients are delivered to your body cells and waste products are carried away. If there is a blockage of the blood for any reason, you will become ill.



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